Ending Hunger, Poverty and Human Trafficking profile picture

Ending Hunger, Poverty and Human Trafficking

About Me

My Space is aobut The things I am passionate about World Hunger-Poverty-Orphans-Human Trafficking
To change the world by Ending World Hunger, Ending Trafficking, and Ending Exploitation of women and children.

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To End World Hunger
To End Human Trafficking

Visit my personal website to read about me

This seen should not exist in a world of plenty

Photo by the great Kenin Carter

My Interests

I'm just an average guy who wants to be in the thick of the action in changing the world, to be a voice for those who don’t have one. To be the voice and hands of God in His mission here on earth. I chose to stand courageously with the voiceless and downtrodden and oppressed.
I can no longer look beyond the stories of hunger, pain, violence, and hatred plaguing my neighborhoods here and around the world. I must act. I must do something in response to the pain and suffering they see. I must do something to balance the scales for those whose voices are never heard.
God’s love, vividly displayed through the sacrificial servant life and willing death of Christ, is the primary ethos out of which Christians/followers of Christ are moved to respond to the needs so prevalent in our world. Love mobilizes action. I actively participate in the cause of justice in the world. I want justice for those lacking justice because we know justice is an issue near and dear to the heart of God. Because God’s heart beats for justice so should our’s.
Because God is grieved by the exploitation of women and children in the world so should we be. Because God created every human life to shine a little, to reflect his glory as they live into their full humanity, we too should seek ways of helping people learn how to shine. We want people to experience the dignity that comes from having meaningful work and having the ability to meet the basic needs of their families.
For me, ethos is the starting point of our conversation about church. Until we grasp that point, something will be lacking in our attempts at being the church and living the Good News.

The passion in me cries out to change the way things are, I cannot except that while I was sleeping 10,000 children died of hunger, that there is enough food to feed every one and yet this happens every day.

I can not except that That Human trafficking which is a form of modern-day slavery, and is now regarded as the third largest and fastest growing criminal industry in the world and is as much as 15% of the gross national product of some countries. Human trafficking generates $31 billion annually and enslaves 27 million people around the globe, half of them children under the age of eighteen this is unacceptable to me

Women and children are not For Sale for the entertainment of men, they are not objects to be bought and sold and even thrown away when one is done with them. They are not to be used for someone’s selfish pleasure then discarded.

Woman and children’s lives are being destroyed by the porn industry; men are being corrupted by porn, it causes them to believe woman and children are objects to be used for their own pleasure, that their only value is for sex. This is not expectable to me.


Childhood should be a happy time spent playing with friends, enjoying a favorite toy — even planning for the first day of school. But children in the developing world spend most of their childhood struggling to survive, without much hope for a secure, productive life.
And they face incredible odds. Of the 57 million people worldwide who died last year, 10.5 million of them were children less than five years old. The majority of these children — some 98 percent — were in developing nations.
For those who survive childhood, the path to a secure and happy future is still filled with obstacles. Children in developing nations have limited access to education, which limits opportunity and reduces potential.
Economic, social and cultural factors keep some 121 million children, especially girls, from attending school. Faced with difficult choices, parents often take girls out of school to care for younger siblings, help with household chores or work outside the home to contribute to family income. In the world's least developed countries, only 14 percent of secondary school enrollment is female.


Facts About Children and Poverty
Health Care and Nutrition* Measles, malaria and diarrhea are three of the biggest killers of children — yet all are preventable or treatable * More than 30 million children in the world are not immunized against treatable or preventable diseases * 95 percent of all the people who get polio are under the age of 5 * HIV/AIDS has created more than 14 million orphans — 92 percent of them live in Africa * Six million children under five die every year as a result of hungerEducation* 134 million children between the ages of 7 to 18 have never been to school. * Girls are more likely to go without schooling than boys — in the Middle East and North Africa, girls are three times more likely than boys to be denied education * For every year of education, wages increase by a worldwide average of 10 percent * Educated mothers tend to send their children to school, helping to break the cycle of povertyExploitation* In the last decade, more than 2 million children have died as a direct result of armed conflict * More than 300,000 child soldiers are exploited in armed conflicts in over 30 countries around the world * 2 million children are believed to be exploited through the commercial sex trade * Approximately 246 million children work * 171 million children work in hazardous conditions



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