Ana Catarina profile picture

Ana Catarina

Anyone who thinks sunshine is happiness has never danced in the rain.

About Me

Myspace Graphics
Myspace LayoutsIn a nutshell: I was born in Viana Do Castelo , Portugal. Came to the States when I was 8. Been in Elizabeth NJ since.In more than a nutshell: I'm outgoing, a little goofy, luv to learn new things & adventurous. What I consider funny is: humans losing falling/tripping..etc. I'll care but give me some time to laugh. I make coffee just so my studio smells like coffee. I hate when people drive slow on the left lane...Regarless of how fast it is, if i pull up behind you, it's SLOW so move! I love sour cream & onion chips. I can chomp down an entire bag in minutes. I also won't pass up a comfy pair of sweats or jeans and sneakers. I think too much..all the time i'm thinking about something or other. I can't go to a business/restaurant and enjoy it for what it is. I analyze how much the owner must be making/ if I'd go into the business/ the pros and cons and if the staff is under/overpaid. But mistake me not, I can have fun too! give me good friends..or good strangers... and i'm social when I wanna be esp since I love to dance! (that doesn't mean i like clubbing but dancing & clubbing usually come hand-in-hand) I prefer day-time activities from snowboarding (which I should do more of), to going to the beach, to house-hunting. Oh and I am a true true sucker for gadgets. If it's new and electronic, I want it !...............................................I'm an organizational freak! I go out for groceries and come back w/ files and I like photography and art but don't act on it as much as I should. I write poetry, opinions, stories and even though i'm 26, i still keep a journal/write by other means. It helps me stop worrying since it's down on paper. I luv the beach. I really love the beach. Maybe it's the aquarius in me that loves anything water: waterfalls, lakes, rivers..etc. Between reading and buying journals, i can spend an entire day @ Barnes&Nobles. Likes: coffee (i think i'm addicted), sushi (which i recently discovered), a clean apartment, friends i'm comfortable with, relaxing music, my ferret, long drives, beaches, water, airplanes,reading, learning, The Discovery Channel, red and some more things I cant remember right now. Dislikes: People who don't tip the waitor, ultra high gas prices, cold. Things I cant live without: communication, information, my writings, reading. My worst character trait: I lose my temper/patience. Short term goal: Travel. Long term goal: Change my Associates to a Bachelor's degree, open my own busines..again, own much real estate. If I could choose, I’d travel all the time.. and last but not least, wanna know more? Just ask :)BUDWEISER FERRET POSES NUDE:

My Interests

My interests include anything new. I like to meet new people, go to new places and experience things i've never experienced before.

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet all kinds of people...Especially ones w/ opposing views ;) so I can learn from them...I wanna meet people who have hobbies i wouldn't normally get into cuz i luv to try new things. Also wanna find old friends... I'm kinda good at keeping in touch w/ friends but myspace will make it even easier. Also, people that wanna get rich so we can get rich together!!Famous? Carlos Mencia, Wanda Sykes, Bill Gates,Bill Clinton, Robert Kyosaki,Hillary Clinton, Bin Laden, Gandi, Vincent Van Gogh.


i really do listen to almost everything ... a lot of people say that... but little have listened to Tchaikovsky, Pink Floyd, Nelly Furtado, Delfins, Madredeus, Merengue, Reggaeton, Tango, and a few others all in one sitting.


I love any movie with Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansen, Christopher Walken. Movies: Closer, Under the Tuscan Sun, V for Vendetta, Garden State, Big Fish, Match Point, The Notebook, Wedding Crashers, Fight Club, Reservoir Dogs, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,Jarhead, Children of Men, Full Metal Jacket, Blow, The Exorcist, Vanilla Sky, Office Space, Y tu mama tambien, Max, A History of Violence, City of God
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mmm.... i'll catch what's on when i'm being lazy but i don't really "follow" tv shows. Will & Grace, Everybody luvs Raymond... and Friends reruns are my fave to catch though. Lately added Gray's anatomy to my list. Also, anything that says "World's _____ Videos"... anything on the food network and my new fave 'MIND OF MENCIA'. Also luv to kill an hour or so on comedy once in a while.


The Lovely Bones, Rich Dad Poor Dad, The DaVinci Code, Angels and Demons, Advice to a young wife from an old mistress,Little Children,The Lost Continent,Living History: Hillary Rodham Clinton. Currently reading 2 books: 1) "Sex,Lies & Handwritting" & 2)"Anna Karenina" by Leo Tolstoy. PS. If you've read 'anna karenina' let me know because i'd love your input.


My parents are my heroes... (as unlikely as my friends might find that b/c of how much I used to argue w/ them). Things change after you move out. I've actually had lengthy conversations w/ my parents since I moved out and I luv it! My biggest hero however: myself.

My Blog

mia culpa

"mia culpa" It's all my fault. I'm guilty for the way my life turned out. I'm guilty for what will happen in the future. I'm guilty for the ones I've hurt and I'm guilty for those who have hurt me. S...
Posted by Ana Catarina on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 07:51:00 PST

Driving U.S. unhealthy

Driving us unhealthy. We get up, shower and rush out of our house. (20-100 steps) We sit down in our car.  Need money? Drive through the ATM ( 0 steps) Hungry? Drive through McD's for breakfast...
Posted by Ana Catarina on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 07:51:00 PST


So here's me in the last 6 months in a quick quick jiffy: At the end of November, i started a new job. Same industry (oil inspection ) but completely different kind of work so it's like a whole new ba...
Posted by Ana Catarina on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 12:16:00 PST

Give me your opinion

about... anything... anything at all. :::ana:::
Posted by Ana Catarina on Mon, 18 Dec 2006 10:42:00 PST


People Seem unattainable. Closed off to the world. Different than us. Superior. Inferior. Different Styles. Different Friends. Different Goals. Better looking. Sexier. Uglier. and then... we meet and ...
Posted by Ana Catarina on Sat, 16 Dec 2006 10:53:00 PST

Paint my life...

I want color in my life. That's what's wrong. Too much black, white and grey. Too safe. Too impersonal. Too correct. Too functional. Too organized. Too clean. Too methodical. Too ordinary.   I wa...
Posted by Ana Catarina on Sun, 19 Nov 2006 12:01:00 PST

Attention all men !!!

Regardless of where us women are going, even if just for 24 hours, we will pack an entire bag of shoes. We want to be prepared for any possible situation. Stop mentioning it. It won't change anythin...
Posted by Ana Catarina on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 05:05:00 PST

What you do, doesn't define you..and then it does.

Giving birth, doesn't make you a mother. Getting a woman pregnant, doesn't make you a father. Getting a diploma, doesn't make you intelligent. Having sex with many women, doesn't make you a man. Havin...
Posted by Ana Catarina on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 03:08:00 PST

Got a fave restaurant/food place (of ANY kind)?

...Recommend it to me. ...anywhere in NJ or NY or within driving distance of the 2 ...I'm starting to repeat all my choices way too often ...need suggestions
Posted by Ana Catarina on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 08:46:00 PST

Apparently, I touched a nerve re: Customer Service !!

I put out a blog that simply stated: "When did "customer service" go out of fashion I'd love to know!!!" and got a bunch of responses... !! Apparently, I'm not the only one that feels this way... .....
Posted by Ana Catarina on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 07:54:00 PST