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I have recently moved back to this deadend city called oshawa, Oh and by no means do I have plans to be here for good. ....currently SINGLE and I can say that I love it as much as I hate it at times.... I strive to learn and better myself from all of my experiences, good or bad... I love life, I love being me and on that note I regret nothing I have done or been through ..since it has developed me into what I am today. yeah ..before I go ...thanks for taking time to read all "about me" ************************************* On a summer's day long, long ago I fell in love and I'll never know Just what it was that made me feel So drawn to her, what the appeal That set my pulses so to race When e'er I gazed upon that face Of one who was scarce but a child Yet even then could drive me wild I'll never know the how's and why's I lost my heart to Hazel Eyes But when I got that long sought kiss I knew I'd found my Perfect Miss My elfin girl from down the lane And I'll never let her go againFor how could I describe our love? Romantic love, all hearts and flowers No way to count the days and hours Spent in self-indulgent wishes And thoughts of long awaited kisses Of sweet embraces, tender sighs And gazing into love filled eyes Oh yes, it is that kind of loveOr, is it yet the love of passion The ecstasy that knows no ration That shuddering nerve-tingling feeling The climax with your senses reeling The wondrous joy when you discover That sweet surrender to your lover Oh yes, it's that kind of love too. Or even yet a love that grows One that cares and one that knows That sees beyond the outer skin Into the person deep within That loves the spirit and the soul The inner self that makes the whole Built on trust and empathy A love you know was meant to beThe love we share is all these things A love that has no need of rings A love you never need to doubt A love I cannot live without A love to last us all our days A love I'll share with you always My love, I have tried with all my being to grasp a form comparable to thine own, but nothing seems worthy;I know now why Shakespeare could not compare his love to a summer’s day. It would be a crime to denounce the beauty of such a creature as thee, to simply cast away the precision God had placed in forging you.Each facet of your being whether it physical or spiritual is an ensnarement from which there is no release. But I do not wish release. I wish to stay entrapped forever. With you for all eternity. Our hearts, always as one. A gentle word like a spark of light, Illuminates my soul And as each sound goes deeper, It's YOU that makes me wholeThere is no corner, no dark place, YOUR LOVE cannot fill And if the world starts causing waves, It's your devotion that makes them stillAnd yes you always speak to me, In sweet honesty and truth Your caring heart keeps out the rain, YOUR LOVE, the ultimate roofSo thank you my Love for being there, For supporting me, my life I'll do the same for you, you knowYour lips speak soft sweetness Your touch a cool caress I am lost in your magic My heart beats within your chestI think of you each morning And dream of you each night I think of your arms being around me And cannot express my delightNever have I fallen But I am quickly on my way You hold a heart in your hands That has never before been given away When I'm with you, eternity is a step away, my love continues to grow, with each passing day.This treasure of love, I cherish within my soul, how much I love you... you'll never really know.You bring a joy to my heart, I've never felt before, with each touch of your hand, I love you more and more.Whenever we say goodbye, whenever we part, know I hold you dearly, deep inside my heart.So these seven words, I pray you hold true, "Forever And Always, I Will Love You." The red rose whispers of passion, And the white rose breathes of love; O, the red rose is a falcon, And the white rose is a dove. But I send you a cream-white rosebud With a flush on its petal tips; For the love that is purest and sweetest Has a kiss of desire on the lips. Love is like a lump of gold, Hard to get, and hard to hold. Of all the girls I've ever met, You're the one I can't forget. I do believe that God above, Created you for me to love. He chose you from all the rest, Because he knew I would love you best I thought love was just a mirage of the mind, it's an illusion, it's fake, impossible to find. But the day I met you, I began to see, that love is real, and exists in me For you I would climb The highest mountain peak Swim the deepest ocean Your love I do seek.For you I would cross The rivers most wide Walk the hottest desert sand To have you by my side.For you are the one Who makes me whole You've captured my heart And touched my soul.For you are the one That stepped out of my dreams Gave me new hope Showed me what love means.For you alone Are my reason to live For the compassion you show And the care that you give.You came into my life And made me complete Each time I see you My heart skips a beat.For you define beauty In both body and mind Your soft, gentle face More beauty I'll ne'er find.For you are the one God sent from above The angel I needed For whom I do love.Because of you my world is now whole, Because of you love lives in my soul. Because of you I have laughter in my eyes, Because of you I am no longer afraid of good-byes. You are my pillar my stone of strength, With me through all seasons and great times of length. My love for you is pure boundless through space and time, it grows stronger everyday with the knowledge that you'll always be mine. At the altar I will joyously say 'I do', for I have it all now and it's all because of you A path winding across the horizon over mountains, across seas through blue skies and gray never ceasing, continuous. My love for you Day by day Night by night Kiss by kiss Touch by touch Step by step I fall in love A love so incomprehensible So vivid So unique So wild, that not even the reign of God could control A passion so deep A need so necessary A want so strong The universe would not handle I love you today I’ll love you tomorrow I’ll love you forever Into my world of darkness and silence, you brought light and music.When you lit my candle, I began to see and understand the taste and texture of love.For the first time.I asked God for a flower, he gave me a bouquet I asked God for a minute, he gave me a day I asked God for true love, he gave me that too I asked for an angel and he gave me you thanks for your time

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