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Old Ghost

In truth, there is no need to be afraid!

About Me

Old Ghost is a revolutionary spirit that was birthed into this world Nov.5th 1977 the same day the dictator Pres. George W. Bush was married. His life, an examble of a young minority growing up struggling in western society. Adopted at the age of 4, he grew up in a diverse house-hold. His mother and father took in 5 children, 2 Korean siblings & his 2 biological brothers (all of Puerto Rican ethnicity). Along with his god-father Kenneth Butler who was a Black Panther and one of Ghost's earlier inspirational figures. At a very young age he took to the social messages in the sound of both Hip-Hop and Reggae music. Writing lyrics as young as 8 years old while b-boyin on the streets of New Jersey, he fell in love with the culture and history. After moving to Sacramento, Ca. in 1989 and expierencing racism and social injustice on both sides of the coast, he desired to know more about the roots of the society he lived in. Taking to the likes of Bob Marley, Peter Tosh, 2Pac, Public Enemy, X-Clan, Brand Nubian and Rakim and being inspired by people such as Che, Malcom X, Marcus Garvey, Angela Davis, Huey P. Newton, his cousin Matt (fist of the northstar) Cash / Zulu B-Boy, Refa / Zulu Graffer, The Cuf & Socailistics along with many others, he began a long road towards empowerment and enlightement. After traveling for years from Maryland, Florida, Seattle, L.A. & back to Sac. and rockin the stage on the same bill with the likes of Nas, Dead Prez, Zion I, Prince Po, Black Sheep, Old Dominion, Living Legends, L.A. Symphony, Glory, 2Mex and Awol 1. He's now 29 years of age and coming into his calling. Writting into the message of his music the voice of ancients spoken through his expierences. Old Ghost is working on his solo album to be released in August of 2007 off the independent label TPR records based in Sacramento which he started back in 2004 with his cousin Matt Cash and his best friend Mahtie Bush. He is also preparing to move to San Francisco to be closer to the love of his life and soon-to-be Queen along with continuing his vision of speading cultural and political conscieness through music. The revolution is here. Mumia on facisim
NAS @ The Colonial Sacramento-
Mumia's Song [Fo'Sho' Cut]

Add to My Profile | More VideosWhy are people being killed? Ethnic African rebel groups in Darfur launched a war for independence, sighting a lack of life saving government funds in the region. President Omar Al-Bashir responded with a brutal campaign of ethnic cleansing against civilians. He has used proxy militia groups to torch whole cities, rape and kill thousands of women and children. The violence continues today.One of the proudest and guiltiest moments of respect towards violence on another (though i dont promote senseless violence in any form) i dohave to say this is cleannnnn!

My Interests


Member Since: 6/6/2005
Band Members: Oldghost The GeneralLearn about R.F.I.D's here!! Long Live The Black Panters Mumia on Assata Shakur Old Ghost & Tribe of Levi Live @ Sac State For Earth Day 07'
Influences:Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
Sounds Like: Watch Boondocks Flex Your Rights THESE ARE REAL HIP HOP ARTIST Krs-1 & Marley Marl "HIP-HOP LIVES" NAS "HIP-HOP IS DEAD"GANGSTARR "MASS APPEAL" Zack de la Rocha, Krs One, Last Emperor - CIA Outlawz & Dead Prez - 1Nation Dead prez - Hip hop Dead Prez-Propaganda I Believe by Stic.man of Dead Prez Talib Kweli "Listen!!!" Video Common - I used to love h.e.r Blackstar feat. Common Pharoahe Monch - Gun Draws
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

What is truly a threat?

  COINTELPRO in the 60s excerpted from the book WAR AT HOME by Brian Glick   Government harassment of U.S. political activists clearly exists today, violating our fundamental dem...
Posted by Old Ghost on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 11:39:00 PST

Hip-Hop..Your the love of my life!

We as a culture can not allow industries that for years have exploited our talents and gifts to continue to determine how, when, where & why our people get exposure.. We either assume control of o...
Posted by Old Ghost on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 03:06:00 PST

Answer me this!

How does capitalism and democracy co-exist? One promotes a winner takes all society where even elections can be bought and the other promotes the ideology that the people's voice dictate their leaders...
Posted by Old Ghost on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 09:13:00 PST

Our Country isnt Our Country

Seeing how this country was founded on the precepts of liberty and equality but built economically on the back of slavery, the answer is complex as the circumstances that surround the current social a...
Posted by Old Ghost on Fri, 18 May 2007 11:34:00 PST

The fight to be Hip-Hop

A young woman was murdered the other week at The Library and almost like clock work, local officials and media set their sites on Hip-Hop. Let me first say, it is a tradegy whenever anyone's life is t...
Posted by Old Ghost on Fri, 18 May 2007 06:08:00 PST