Scully Says; 1 Week 6 Days Til 2 Weeks In The Sun! profile picture

Scully Says; 1 Week 6 Days Til 2 Weeks In The Sun!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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Hey, Firstly add my band (well, only if you like the music of course) I'm me and that's very enjoyable, you're you, hope that's as good. I like lots of things, especially laughter. Ha ha! ooh yeah that was good.I love The A Team, Parrots that say more than hello, lying in fields and looking at the stars, golden grahams, alcohol, jumping in puddles, free toys in cereals, boobies (the real thing and the word, what a word, boobies, great)flashing in parks at old ladies, Dennis Pennis, men with funky moustaches, life.Je detester girls with moustaches, drinking too much before I go out and then nearly wetting myself on the bus, floaters, being skint, 'Celebrities' doing shit programs to try and boost their flagging careers.I believe you need more than strange hair and make up to make you unique. I'm always myself as this is when I'm happiest, no pretense, no fronts, no bullshit. I find there seems to be a lot of completely boring people in the world who seem to think an alternative fashion sense and an attitude makes them a rock star. err nah, talent is talent with or without the fancy dressing.My passion is my band and writing lyrics, check us out when you get the time I doubt you'll be disappointed. We're also now on My Space at in case you didn't hear me the first time! Message me anytime, I always reply. Ooh I'm really going on now, ha, what a load of crap, ah well, it's my crap and i'm proud. Goodbye.
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My Interests

Well surely this is covered in all the other sections so I'm just gonna go on more about my band in this valuable space. Visit the website, listen to the songs and if you love them (which you should do) then join our messageboard.

I'd like to meet:

Jack White, Noel Gallagher, Peter Pan, Paul Kaye, The Wizard of Oz, Rhys Ifans, Johnny Knoxville, The People under the stairs, Jack Nicholson, Lee Evans, me (seriously, I'd love to know what it's like to know me, would I think I'm cool or a prick?)


I love music, yes, yes, yes, but I'll try and refrain from mentioning my band Left Hand Red in this section....Damn! Apart from my band, I like, to name but a few, Oasis, Prodigy, Rolling Stones, Matthew Jay, Kasabian, Damien Rice, The Kinks, Bowie, Ryan Adams, The Doors, RHCP, I could go on all day but you get the idea.


Love my movies as much as my music. Love sitting in the cinema and watching a good film. Like most types, comedies like Oh Brother Where Art Thou? Napoleon Dynamite, Royal Tenembaums, Blues Brothers. 'Classics' like Pulp Fiction, Scarface, Taxi Driver, The Usual Suspects. Also love films from when I was younger, probably The Goonies and the Back to the Futures being my favourites. Oh yeah And love Midnight Cowboy, Dustin Hoffman's one of the greatest. Oh yeah, just saw This Is England and there's a powerhouse performance from Stephen Graham in it, see it, now. Shane Meadows is the best writer/director this country has seen for a while, see also Dead Man's Shoes. Again I could go on all day but you get the idea. I can't fucking wait for the Grindhouse!


Don't really watch that much TV but when I do I generally watch comedy like Mighty Boosh, Little Britain and The League of Gentlemen. Gotta love Lost, 24 and most recently Prison Break too. And The A Team and Knight Rider of course!


I really ought to read more. Shame on me.


Hmmm in real life, probably Noel Gallagher, I know he's not the greatest lyricist to have ever lived but Oasis got me into music and he did write some great tunes back in the day. John Lennon, I know everyone says that but they do for a reason! Oooh and I think Jack White's under-rated. Actors wise, De Niro, Pacino, Brando and Hoffman of the old school, these days, dunno really, they don't make em like they used to, but Johnny Depp, Christian Bale and Daniel Day lewis are among my favs.

My Blog

My Flickr Photo Account

All my current photos are uploaded to: Now you the viewer can also enjoy the highs and lows of my life, have fun kids and steal all you want!...
Posted by Scully Says; 1 Week 6 Days Til 2 Weeks In The Sun! on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 03:49:00 PST

Top banana!

Waah be doo and you know it. How is everyone? I'm good, thanks for asking. Playing a gig on Thursday (14th Dec) night at the Pressure Point, Brighton if any of you little buggers w...
Posted by Scully Says; 1 Week 6 Days Til 2 Weeks In The Sun! on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 10:11:00 PST

A Birthday Wasted Isn't a Birthday Wasted...

So yeah, another grrreat piss up for my Birthday yesterday. Deep Breath..... Drunk conversations with tramps in the Pav Tav (real tramps, not trendy indie girls) followed by some pub crawling, the bes...
Posted by Scully Says; 1 Week 6 Days Til 2 Weeks In The Sun! on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 04:52:00 PST

What A Waster...

Fuck me, thanks to all people who came out for my Birthday celebrations on Saturday night and apologies to all the people I crashed and smashed into on the dance floor at the Pav Tav, I was wrecked bu...
Posted by Scully Says; 1 Week 6 Days Til 2 Weeks In The Sun! on Mon, 25 Sep 2006 06:54:00 PST