Myspace Layouts at / Mighty boosh moon - Image Hosting
Hey, Firstly add my band (well, only if you like the music of course) I'm me and that's very enjoyable, you're you, hope that's as good. I like lots of things, especially laughter. Ha ha! ooh yeah that was good.I love The A Team, Parrots that say more than hello, lying in fields and looking at the stars, golden grahams, alcohol, jumping in puddles, free toys in cereals, boobies (the real thing and the word, what a word, boobies, great)flashing in parks at old ladies, Dennis Pennis, men with funky moustaches, life.Je detester girls with moustaches, drinking too much before I go out and then nearly wetting myself on the bus, floaters, being skint, 'Celebrities' doing shit programs to try and boost their flagging careers.I believe you need more than strange hair and make up to make you unique. I'm always myself as this is when I'm happiest, no pretense, no fronts, no bullshit. I find there seems to be a lot of completely boring people in the world who seem to think an alternative fashion sense and an attitude makes them a rock star. err nah, talent is talent with or without the fancy dressing.My passion is my band and writing lyrics, check us out when you get the time I doubt you'll be disappointed. We're also now on My Space at in case you didn't hear me the first time! Message me anytime, I always reply. Ooh I'm really going on now, ha, what a load of crap, ah well, it's my crap and i'm proud. Goodbye...
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