hmmm... sape ek? anyone who would like to be my friends. but, the people that i really really really want to meet are...- all my gangs... d:M!!! i really really really miss you guyz!!! especially the people in that picture!!! dah laa mase 26/09/2003 tuh ader reunion d:M! pastuh kamek tak dpt gi! sedih nyer!! :((... nyway, next time wat reunion lagi tau, d:M! i really miss to see d:M back together again after a long time we're not together. but if can next time i wanna see all of us together again. coz, maybe that day will be the last time we'll see each other again. or maybe that day will be the last time we meet each other as a group call d:M! it's ok... d:M still in memory even though we went through all the sadness and happiness together. even though sometimes we've been fighting, we still a group right? that's all folks! IDUP d:M! d:M 4 EVA! SAYANG d:M! SAYANG OSMATE! :D Him... Thee... ^_^