BEERDRINKERSINC.COM is an organization made up of beer drinkers. It is based on our philosophy that beer drinkers are good individuals and want to help, we’re providing a way for them to do just that. People like to drink beer, socialize and generally have a good time. In our society, beer brings people together. There are beer drinkers all over the world that donate to charity everyday as individuals, as a unified association of beer drinkers our potential to help sick children wishes come true is enormous. BEERDRINKERSINC.COM intends to unify beer drinkers around the world for one simple purpose…making a difference in sick children’s lives, by fulfilling a wish. Join us in our mission and dedicate yourself to help a sick child’s wish come true, that's all we ask. Imagine this. What if every beer drinker would purchase just one sticker to help fulfill a sick child‘s wish. Just one sticker from every beer drinker. Can you imagine how many wishes that could be fulfilled. That’s our purpose to make a difference.
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