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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Educated, caustic, soft hearted, a bit of a wise ass, love animals and nature, spiritual/mystical, a little macabre and "Dark" at times, experienced, confident and determined. I don't eat in places where people smoke and ball caps are the norm and I am independent, good looking and of course very modest. I love my wife and have been married forever, and I have two adult children that I love very much. I don't like country music, slugs, Republicans, Rats, being sea sick, most Evangelical Christians, stinging insects, stepping on a nail, Liars, bad parents, racial hatred, Texas, and I really really don't like rap.
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My Interests

Breeding, training and showing my beloved Dobermans, Saltwater Fishing, being near the Ocean, working and developing my little property and reading good books.

I'd like to meet:

I like people who are different. The "odd balls" in life. I enjoy those who are not always followers but think and act independantly. I like those who will speakout even when they know they are in the minority. I like thinkers with a sense of morality. I like the character of those who have suffered and overcame. And regardless of any other consideration I love those with kind hearts. Its a given that I would like to meet anyone who has some of the qualities above so if you are reading this and would like me as a friend just let me know. (It helps if you love Dobes).


Old Rock and Roll, a little classical.


Drama and Action types and I am a "B" Horror move fan.


The old "Mickey Mouse Club", "House", "CSI NY", MSNBCs "Countdown", and some sports.


"To Kill a Mocking Bird", "Timeline", "The Other Bible" and too many others to list.


Tombstone Generator at GlitterGeek.com

My Blog

Idiopathic head bobbing syndrom

Last year we had a little female Doberman with a large bump on one side of her skull, she had and has some strange manorisms and we decided to give her away to a sweet young woman who fell in love wit...
Posted by mike on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 04:48:00 PST

The story of the ant men.

One time a great force saw ants working away building a home in a place that would be ravaged come the next heavy rain. The compassionate force wanted to warn the ants of their impendin...
Posted by mike on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 09:02:00 PST

My reject Aubade (Obie)

 Not long ago I wrote a blog about "My Rejects".  I mentioned that I only had one "Reject" on the property and all others had found excellent homes. Obie (the reject) is essentally a three l...
Posted by mike on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 10:47:00 PST

Fit for breeding ?

So many issues surround our "Pets" that no one thing is going to solve all the problems, although "Overpopulation is surely at the top of the list. I am aware of programs in some countries that help w...
Posted by mike on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 09:28:00 PST

My "Rejects"

  If you raise animals you are going to have individules that have serious defects and with the defect won't be sellable. In some cases no one would want to have them even if they were free. Thes...
Posted by mike on Fri, 16 Nov 2007 10:21:00 PST

How I treat puncture wounds.

OK, I raise Dobes from strong working bloodlines and as you might guess I have had some experience with puncture wounds. In all cases wash the wounds with soapy water and dry. Work the wounds as much ...
Posted by mike on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 01:05:00 PST

Animal cruelity

I am sick and tired of people who group those of us who care about the well fare of animals into some radical bunch of panseys that shrink away from the site of blood. I think anyone who would hurt a ...
Posted by mike on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 10:01:00 PST

Some observations and reflections on "shy" Dobermans.

The story goes that early in the history of the breed, when work was being done to refine the blood lines, that a timid, shy, cowardly dog was was used as stud in a number of those early Doberman...
Posted by mike on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 12:12:00 PST

In defense of "Runts".

I have been through a lot of litters now and everyone of them has that one pup that will be the smallest, the runt. These little things have to struggle harder then the larger pups and somehow that ge...
Posted by mike on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:11:00 PST

Puppy Clucking.

This is probaly going to sound wierd comming from a mean old man like myself but its a source of sweetness for me and I would share it with fellow dog owners. When our pups are tiny I enjoy cuddeling ...
Posted by mike on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 12:25:00 PST