Music,reading,movies,camping,fishing...really anything.I volunteer alot where I work and anything they are involved with.I love working with my dogs.I'm involved in Schutzhund.For those who do not know what that's a German sport incorporating Obediance,tracking,Agility and Bite work.As far as boys are everything!They are great and alot of fun.We camp and fish and love taking road trips together.Family is very important to me.
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All kinds of people!
Love Vampire movies..Blade..Interview with a Vampire,Dracula..BIG Underworld Fan!you get it..:)
Action..MI,Lord of the Rings,Harry Potter,War movies
All kinds.AND 300!!!! MY New favorite movie!! Check it out!!
CSI,American Idol and Rock Star are about it.I really don't watch alot of T.V.
I love Horror,True Crimes stories..I read alot so there are to many to name.Just finishe Mao's Last Dancer..Wonderful book.
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My mom...who died of cancer on Aug.4th,2006 because she was so strong and graceful through the entire thing.I love and miss her very much.My uncle Bill.The person who invented the Chi iron.
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