Science, music, engines, cinema, computer, and more & more!!
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All the music around the world! Jazz-Blues, rock'n roll, hard rock, pop, funky, hip hop, rap, latin, samba, italian and also commercial music. Favourite Albums: Buddy Guy - Bring' em in, Queen - Innuendo, The Blues Brothers compilation.
Ehhh... a lot of movies! in primis I love Tarantino but also Kubrick or De Palma, Rodriguez, David Fincher, Frank Miller, Eli Roth and Scorsese. A film that hit my mind when I watched it was Fight Club... I'm waiting for 'Grindhouse' movie in Italy!
I love most telefilms that goes in TV on Italia 1, like Dr House, CSI, Grey's Anatomy, Nip/Tuck (very very beautiful), 24. I love television's programs like 'Le iene', gialappas or Pokermania.
I don't read so much but mainly I like scientific books like Richard Dawkins (the blind watchmaker) and the psychological novels of Chuck Palahniuk (Fight Club, Survivor, Soffocare, Invisible Monster), a very mad guy of the world literature.
Piero Scamarcio