Rena profile picture



About Me

( ..)
i like hot people with an awesome sense of humor mostly the dry humor types. once you got me laughing, you pretty much own me already! also i kinda want to keep in touch with people on my list so if you've been denied you know how life is- i don't really accept all requests anymore you'd actually have to seem cool but if you were accepted, i'm probably more interested in you than u know and won't mind getting down w/ u sometime, at some point.
-soo i'm shy at first, or maybe sometimes the second time too, and maybe the third.. depends on who you are
-i'm chinese born here but grew up in taiwan for the most part
-i'm pretty open minded
-i'm way moody and will act differently if i'm not in the mood
-i speak what's on my mind and i'd hate to think i've offended you for being honest
-i know who i like who i don't, and you will most likely know that too
-i'm sensitive, sometimes paranoid.. meeeow
-i ignore calls when i feel like it, again meeow
-i strongly dislike phony beings
-i love tall boys and i find shy boys EXTREMELY cute!
-i like people who can make me laugh
and i try to be a nicer person than i was before so don't screw up my plan.

My Interests

having fun, my cat angelina, spending time with my friends, going on vacations, cute animals (the ones that don't bite), and more..

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meet ryan gosling, he is my type of dude for real. and angelina jolie.

good friends, i've learned to realize there are friends you can go out and have a good time with and they don't neccessarily have to mean anything then there are friends you can fully trust and count on; i want more of those. and maybe a guy that will take my breath away by giving me the butterflies that i will know for certain he's the one, no matter how my fickle mood swings i just know for sure that my worship for him won't.. till then i'll keep my ARMS yes arms open for doods.. of course not intentionally mingling and fucking around either i'm not a slut; but like dating around would be hot! ya know.

otherwise smart people that i can actually learn things and get good advice from


hardcore, rock'n roll, metal, soul, oldies, latin, punk, 70's, 80's, 90's, rock, club mix, r&b, hiphop, rap.. basically all kinds as long as they're good except country


the last samurai, kill bill 1-2, notebook (love ryan gosling!), white chicks, hot chicks, dirty love, whirly girl, titanic (sorry guys), the perfect storm, shining, the girl next door, shaolin soccer...

hate movies: bad santa, more to come...


oc, smallville, family guy, sex and the city, six feet under, adult swim...


no thanks


my ass, seriously..

My Blog

new guy; new depression... why is that :(

i guess when i'm depressed, i always choose to listen to these sappy songs.. because it feels as i can't talk about these feelings to anyone.. and sometimes i wonder even if i did, who's going to be t...
Posted by Rena on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 10:58:00 PST

some indian music video, ha

Posted by Rena on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 01:55:00 PST

car racing

ok so i went car racing with some friends tonight i was excited at first but why the cars were only allowed to hold one person.. lame. i still went on for the heck of it anyway but...
Posted by Rena on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 07:04:00 PST

another some dude

there's a reason why i don't just TRUST guys, nor believe in anything they say. if you're going to show me that you somehow have interests in me, and then go to my friends and tell them a complete dif...
Posted by Rena on Mon, 08 Oct 2007 01:24:00 PST

movie date

just got home from the movie with william tonight, i had a good time. i think i like the boy... but i guess nothing is going to happen between us, at least for now anyway... he has a girlfri...
Posted by Rena on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:25:00 PST

deleting friends that will remain strangers

those that we've never talked before or i just don't see a possibility that we could become friends i dont need youill delete 10-20 of friends every day till im satisfied with my list so make your way...
Posted by Rena on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 01:24:00 PST

new year's eve where u atl's at

send me a mssg if yall wanna get down a little at a party w/ me and my ho's it seems like being naughty is like neccessary when celebrating the nye. u know how we roll
Posted by Rena on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 12:12:00 PST

because i'm bored

01. Sit by the phone waiting for a call all night?i normally only talk on the phone when there's something i want to talk about or just making plans. other than that, i'm not too much of a phone perso...
Posted by Rena on Wed, 30 Nov 2005 04:39:00 PST


at screamworks the ticket guy was being a dick he made me go in the first house by myself cuz i was giggling when my friend made fun of him so he pushed me in and i was pushing the door trying to...
Posted by Rena on Sun, 29 Oct 2006 08:22:00 PST

random turtle

life is so random, weird things happen all the time. so i was on my way going somewhere with my mom and we almost hit a turtle on the road.. seriously, a big ass tur...
Posted by Rena on Mon, 15 Aug 2005 06:09:00 PST