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Keeping Damsels Safe Since 1987

About Me

My name is Peter. I am a broadcasting student at Vincennes University about to graduate in May. I plan to go on from there to get situated in a job, either in radio or television doing some form of production, promotion, or advertising. The reason why I am going into this field is I love being creative and this is a good starting point for me. What I want to do is tell stories. I am a writer/director, and I am working on a script. But until I sign a contract with a studio I need something to pay the bills so at least I am still doing something I am into. The stories I write deal with the dark nature of man and our corruptness. They deal with true evil, like a Stephen King story there is no explanation other than it exists. My stories deal with the fact that there are things about our world we do not understand and just because there are mediums to search out these things doesn't mean we should mess with them. Our curiosity sometimes can open door ways that are hard to close and should never be opened in the first place. And no amount of knowledge can protect you nor make you strong enough to handle what comes through.For me stories are my passion, and for a long time i wanted to create movies. I myself I have never been to a film school, and I do not plan to. If you have the money to afford it then go for it, but I do not have the money to seek that out. The path I have chosen is festivals. I plan to enter my scripts into festivals in hopes of getting my name out there and a contract to turn them into feature length movies. If not then the cash reward can help me also get my own equipment and make my own independent film. I plan to pursue my passion until I die.If you look at my interest you will notice it says paranormal. I do consider myself a paranormal investigator, and I have seen spirits and experienced several physical encounters. I have not been on an investigation for several months do to school, but I plan to get back into the motion soon. If you look above I talked about things in this world we do not understand, this is what I was talking about. I have seen people screw themselves up bad for not knowing where to draw the line. When I conduct an investigation I do not allow chants, spells, prayers, seance, or any other outside interference. I see my job to investigate what is there then. By doing the previous mentioned, even something as innocent as Quji Board, we open up door ways and things come through these door ways. Sometimes it is nothing big, but these door ways do allow much darker things to come through and trust me, nothing you read in a book can truly help you.I am studier of theology and enjoy The Great Conversation. I consider myself a Christian and I do believe the Bible is definitive word of God. Even though I grew up in a Christian home and the son of a Southern Baptist Preacher, that is not the reason why I am Christian. See I saw the backstabbing that goes on in the church, and saw my father, a good man, get betrayed by ideological idiots. What really made me a Christian was sort of a baptism by fire. When I was around the age of 14 I went to a church in Northern Ohio and witnessed several exorcisms, the real thing and believe me Hollywood is off the mark on it. This sparked my curiosity of what is out there. A few years later I took a world views class taught by Bruce Chester, through him I learned the ideas of Socrates and other philosophers, but became entranced with the idea of the Socratic Method. It is through this method that I am where I am in my faith. Only through questions are true answers found. I am not one of these close minded fools who push anyone away who does not believe and follow what they believe. I said I am studier of theology and enjoy The Great Conversation. I have friends who are or have been involved in wiccan, I have conversed with LeVayian Satanists and have read some of Anton's works, I have discussed ideology with moderate muslims and have read a translation of the Koran. I tend to read up as much on other cultures and ideas so if i ever get into a discussion I am not totally clueless. It is through research and asking questions that I have formed views of my own faith, particular the relationship of fallen angels, man, heaven, and hell. And believe me it is different from what most preach.I am man of honesty cause my view on life that we should not hide who we are just for a relationship that is not true in nature. If someone can not accept you for you then so be it but do not change who you are. Well that is who I am, if you need any more information than that then fell free to message me.

My Interests


I'd like to meet:

Guillermo Del Toro, Stephen King, Akira Yamaoka, Clive Barker, Wes Craven, George Romero, John Carpenter, Ozzy Osbourne, Peter Jackson, Neil Marshall, Christopher Nolan, Vanessa Garza ;), Christian Bale, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy, BB King, Frank Miller. I would like to meet people that have a great personality and are not afraid to express themselves. Those into the paranormal, unexplained, horror, or rock. People who know what they want out of life and are not afraid to pursue it. I would like to meet others who are trying to make it into the movie idustry or those who have.


I like a variety of music: except pop, this new emo or whatever rock, most country, and any thing that doesn't have good instrumental with some good vocals.


I am an avid Horror Fan. I enjoy films that explore the dark side of man. That possess artistic ability. Films that are unique. Movies that manage to stand outside the bounds of what is realistic but manage to appear as if it is.







My Blog

13 Most Anticipated Films of 2008

I decided to post the 13 movies I am most looking forward to in 2008.1. The Dark Knight2. Midnight Meat Train3. An American Crime4. Doomsday5. Hellboy 2: The Golden Army (Anything by Del Toro is on my...
Posted by Peter on Mon, 14 Jan 2008 03:11:00 PST

New Year

Well a new year is here and will hopefully wash out the bad taste 2007 left in my mouth. I got one semester left at school and it is do or die time. I hate where I am in life and need to free myself...
Posted by Peter on Tue, 01 Jan 2008 11:18:00 PST

"Americans are Spoiled Brats"

The following is something apparently Jay Leno stated on his show.  I do not know how long ago but damn is he right. "The other day I was reading Newsweek magazine and came across some poll data ...
Posted by Peter on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 01:14:00 PST

UPDATE part 2

Well I won't talk about the music video right now.  I will let the video when it is complete do the talking, that is trusting things actually go as planned.  In that I am being a bit sarcast...
Posted by Peter on Thu, 08 Nov 2007 06:06:00 PST


Life is good right now. I am in my final year at Vincennes Univeristy and I have a lot of plans for this year. The first thing is for my producing and directing class I am directing and writing a mu...
Posted by Peter on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 12:24:00 PST

What Needs To Be Done

This past year I have just envisioned myself as a guy pursuing a career in film, until Thursday when talking to Brent Scarpo, a producer, actor, and manager. I told him him I was pursuing film, I hav...
Posted by Peter on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 02:43:00 PST


First let me start off saying I dig the show "On The Lot," but some of the contestants have to big of an ego and others just suck with ideas. Some of that is not their fault, somepeople should stay i...
Posted by Peter on Sun, 27 May 2007 05:59:00 PST


Ok since I have been away at college in a little town named Vincennes I havent been able to do much with my paranormal group. Tonight I was suppose to be at a graudation celebration party for some pe...
Posted by Peter on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 01:33:00 PST

Rant on movies and what is coming up in my works

I got to see the much anticipated movie, 300, at the IMAX friday and must say it was a breathe of fresh air. So many times I go to the movies and see nothing but mediocre movies or just shitty ones a...
Posted by Peter on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 10:41:00 PST

Pan's Labyrinth!!!!

Holy shit! Del Toro has managed to do what very few directors have. That is create the perfect fantasy film. Tho are no other words to describe this film other than perfection. With that said I ha...
Posted by Peter on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:42:00 PST