Sea Otter Sassafras profile picture

Sea Otter Sassafras


About Me

is my
wishi am passionate - just selective about my passions
GOOD ONE CATHY! cathydonaldson78: This is the fairy tale that we should have been reading as little girls!Once upon a time, ~~~~~~~~ in a land far away, ~~~~~~~~ a beautiful, independent, ~~~~~~~~ self-assured princess ~~~~~~~~ happened upon a frog as she sat, ~~~~~~~~ contemplating ecological issues ~~~~~~~~ on the shores of an unpolluted pond ~~~~~~~~ in a verdant meadow near her castle. ~~~~~~~~ The frog hopped into the princess' lap ~~~~~~~~ and said: Elegant Lady, ~~~~~~~~ I was once a handsome prince, ~~~~~~~~ until an evil witch cast a spell upon me. ~~~~~~~~ One kiss from you, however, ~~~~~~~~ and I will turn back ~~~~~~~~ into the dapper, young prince that I am ~~~~~~~~ and then, my sweet, we can marry ~~~~~~~~ and set up housekeeping in your castle ~~~~~~~~ with my mother, ~~~~~~~~ where you can prepare my meals, ~~~~~~~~ clean my clothes, bear my children, ~~~~~~~~ and forever ~~~~~~~~ feel grateful and happy doing so. ~~~~~~~~ That night, ~~~~~~~~ as the princess dined sumptuously ~~~~~~~~ on lightly sauted frog legs ~~~~~~~~ seasoned in a white wine ~~~~~~~ and onion cream sauce, ~~~~~~~~ she chuckled and thought to herself: ~~~~~~~~ I don't fucking think so.mdseussinstein: ahhahaah thanks! cathydonaldson78: Auto-reply: looking for a new dream :):):):):):):):):P
You Are a Boxer Puppy
Energetic, playful and good with kids.
You've also got a wild spirit that can't be trained or tamed. What Breed of Puppy Are You?spandex is not warm!DO IT!DO IT!

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My Interests

je remercie vous prince douxif you don't get it... you don't need it!

for carl... cause real men own teddy bears!

Myspace Editor

twenty-four spinning seals can't be wrong!
Myspace Editor /p

I'd like to meet:

strength equates awareness adjacent to action...not looking for anyone!!! and apparently neither are any of my friends! yes if you know me and you are reading this i am aware you are all just now joining myspace so you can sit comfortably in your underware and talk to each other... not anyone else! nice guys! real nice! ;) <[CORRECTION!!! I HAVE JUST BEEN INFORMED THAT AT LEAST ONE OF YOU DO IT WITHOUT UNDERPANTS!!! THE PROBLEM IS MORE EXTREME THAN ORIGINALLY CONCEPTUALIZED!!!!>]

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we all have good intension in the morning...

Myspace Layouts & Myspace Graphics

we just don't all hold it through to the night... hahhaha the dancing squirrel says do it up! so we must!aflight

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everything else is
because weave rings! yeah i made this stupid quiz! you know you like it!
Create your own Friend Test herethe trip up-river is a bit more of a rip than one would like to admit ;)old habbits are hard to break... you just got to keep trying it until it sticks!good times call for good musics... all music is good ...and live is even better!ahahahahah


cause p says he sounds like me... and look... he too eats wheat free! ;)get angry!!! ;)
You are John "The Mod!"

Which SLC Punk are you?
brought to you by Quizilla


You Are the Swedish Chef
"Bork! Bork! Bork!"
Your happy and energetic - with borderline manic tendencies.
No one really gets you. And frankly, you don't even get you.
But, you sure can whip up a great chocolate mousse The Muppet Personality TestHADLEY (COOLEST EVER!)
You Are Dr. Bunsen Honeydew
You take the title "mad scientist" to the extreme -with very scary things coming out of your lab.
And you've invented some pretty cool things, from a banana sharpener to a robot politician.
But while you're busy turning gold into cottage cheese, you need to watch out for poor little Beaker!
"Oh, that's very naughty, Beaker! Now you eat these paper clips this minute." The Muppet Personality Testthe WEAVE (HONORARY MEMEBER! (MEANING I AM HONORED TO HAVE HER AS A MEMEBER!!!))
You Are Gonzo the Great
"Is something burning in here? Oh, it's just me."
You're a total nutball who will do anything for attention.
The first to take a dare, you'll pull almost any stunt.
You're one weird looking creature, but your chickens don't mind! The Muppet Personality TestREAGAN (THE GREENEST OF THE BUNCH!)
You Are Kermit
Hi, ho! Lovable and friendly, you get along well with everyone you know.
You're a big thinker, and sometimes you over think life's problems.
Don't worry - everyone know's it's not easy being green.
Just remember, time's fun when you're having flies! The Muppet Personality TestZION (THE ROCKENEST OF THE BUNCH AND OBVIOUSLY THE MOST UNIQUE)
You Are Rowlf the Dog
Mellow and serious, you enjoy time alone cultivating your talents.
You're a cool dog, and you always present a relaxed vibe.
A talented pianist, you can play almost anything - especially songs by Beethoven.
"My bark is worse than my bite, and my piano playing beats 'em both." The Muppet Personality TestJUICER-G (NOT A SISTER... JUST HAS HAIR LIKE ONE ;)
You Are Fozzie Bear
"Wocka! Wocka!"
You're the life of the party, and you love making people crack up.
If only your routine didn't always bomb!
You may find more groans than laughs, but always keep the jokes coming. The Muppet Personality Test


if i had a dime for every book i finished reading... i could buy a crunchy taco... you know the one w/out sour cream!(I THINK I MAY HAVE JUST UPGRADED TO ONE WITH SOUR CREAM... THOUGH NOW I MAY OPT FOR WITHOUT)

adopt your own virtual pet!


Myspace Editor

"you've got to be concentrated but ready to go wherever the damn dog takes you." -tom hanks, The Most Normal Guy in Hollywood. Esquire magazine; june 2006

Myspace Layouts

there is a reason parminder looks so good... i think it's in the genes...

Myspace Layouts & Myspace Graphics

remember....when life hands you Lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over!i'll march on your face in one week... prepare yourself

My Blog

the verse that does not suck!

"Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. But now that you know Godor rather are known by Godhow is it that you are turning back to those weak and m...
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 09:31:00 PST

my feelings on the matter (as articulated to a dear friend in the wee small hours of the morn)

It is just strange to orchestrate such change in ones self. know.  ...when things happen that you seemingly must accept. ...they integrate themselves into your being with or without ...
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 05:32:00 PST

the ferret is loved for his quick wit and inquisitive genious

..>Subject: RE: i knew eventually... Body: remember that time you woke up and everything in the world looked different, even me, and you realized ...
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 08:13:00 PST

what i don't really miss

toast, ice cream, sugary cereal, gram crackers, milk, nutella, chocolate, cookies, cake, frosting...  only good in nostalgia...  it's nice to know i really don't enjoy them :) ...
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 02:20:00 PST


no one is any more deserved of your attention than any other; the sun shines on all things equally
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Wed, 16 May 2007 04:09:00 PST

my 10-year lesson

not what you want, not what you would like for there to be ...but what is and what you need. (the questions are easy if you already know the answers)
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Wed, 02 May 2007 06:37:00 PST

artistry's intent

you are my subject-matter. you are my greatest work of art.  Do not hide yourself behind a cloth in a darkened room; only the cloth will know your beauty. the cloth does not have the capacity for...
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Thu, 26 Apr 2007 09:37:00 PST


(general tip for the chinese new year)  If you wish to be successful in the Golden Pig year; be flexible and open to changes, be disciplined in your finances (or get an excellent accountant), mak...
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 11:34:00 PST

my scotts'

yeah... it is more of like an adolf at the moment (as in hitler)!!! hahaha oops!
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 12:55:00 PST

80's movies are the bomb!

    Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty...
Posted by Sea Otter Sassafras on Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:01:00 PST