Being. And feeling alive.
People who make a difference.
Anything that suits my fancy at any given time. Usually closely linked with current mood at that particular given time. Ranges from Marilyn MANSON to Glenn GOULD.
Too many to list.
Can't think of anything, except some TV series.
Stefan ZWEIG, Stephen KING, Marilyn MANSON, Guillaume APOLLINAIRE, Jean-Paul SARTRE, BAUDELAIRE, Tom CLANCY, Henry MILLER, Bret EASTON ELLIS, Wilbur SMITH, Clive BARKER, Peter STRAUB, Tim BURTON, Johann Wolfgang von GOETHE, William GOLDING, Tom BAKER, Irvine WELSH, Guy de MAUPASSANT, J.R.R. TOLKIEN, John GRISHAM, Hunter S. THOMPSON, Patrick SÜSKIND, Paul VERLAINE, Ryû MURAKAMI, Peter SHAFFER, Arthur RIMBAUD, Louise ACKERMANN, Paul MORAND, George ORWELL, Claude BÖSERSACH. And the list goes on...
Senorita Lockheart.
By Pooch .
By Pooch .
Der Tod, das lächeln der Mona-Lisa nachahmend.
By Siegfried Zademack .
The Fourth Horseman.
By Laurie Lipton .
Vintage 3D.
By Justin Novak .
Sacred Hearts of the Dead.
By Mike Egan .
By Greg Simkins .