Love me or hate me, but don't try to change me!
If there is any artist without an official page(new window)/myspace(same window) page, please give me the page, if you know it!
Wenn da ein Interpret ohne offiziele Seite(neues Fenster/myspace Seite (selbes Fenster) ist und ihr sie wisst, bitte gebt sie mir!
Timeless Heroes/Zeitlose Helden
sleep my dear
They are godlike. All active in the 80'ies and 90'ies.
Sie sind göttlich. Alle aktiv in den 80ern und 90ern.
Background inspiration: Zull official website
Partner sites/Partnerseiten:
The J-Rock USA tour
Unitet for Africa
Bring X Japan to EU
Neo Culture Shock
Manga & Anime Convention
Alice Nine. Support Germany
Nippon Project
Sutairu (X Project)
Visual Culture
Japan and Anime Party
Porno Circus Records
Maxga Com
Fire Zone Records
J-Rock Layouts
Dearest dears:
The lovely *Sou* (#1 supporter)
Yoshiki International Family
Featured Sites/Unterstützte Seiten:
Ärzte ohne Grenzen
Medicins sans Frontieres
D's Valentine
Tokyo Decadance Germany
J-Rock Norway
Art in Black
J-Rockers unite
J-Rock Radio
Dir en grey Street Team
J-Pop Express
J-Rock Events USA
Nippon Groove
Sino Rebuild Projects
J-Rock Midwest
André Linke
Nippon Beat
Featured Productions/Unterstützte Produktionen
Ningyo Productions
Japan Files
J-Music Sound
Chibi AnJ
Ocean Boom
Stagedive Productions
Kitchen Knife Records
Featured Designers/Unterstützte Designer
Bambi (Fetish Designer)
LinDa (Make UP Artist)
Featured Magazines/Unterstützte Zeitschriften:
Vegas rocks!
Featured Halls/Unterstützte Hallen:
Gebäude 9
And of course, all people in the wantet list and especially everyone in the friend's list!
Und natürlich, alle Leute in der Wantet Liste und speziell jeden in der Freundesliste!
By the sake of everything that's holy, I will never use a friend train to get tons of people. I want real fans that puttet their heart to this project, and real bands that want to go to germany. I even included some european J-Rock bands on the wantet list, but only because they puttet their heart to J-Rock. Listen to your heart...
Say NO to friend trains!
Bei allem was heilig ist, ich werde niemals einen Friend Train nutzen, um zigtausend Leute herzubekommen. Ich möchte wahre Fans, die ihr Herz an dieses Projekt gehängt haben, und wahre Bands, die nach Deutschland kommen möchten. Ich habe sogar ein paar europäische J-Rockbands auf die Wantetliste gesetzt, aber nur weil sie ihr Herz dem J-Rock verschrieben haben. Hört auf euer Herz...
Sagt NEIN zu Friend Trains!
That are the people I want to bring to Germany in a few years. It would be great if all -or even some!- of them would play a tour together in germany. Of course, the list will grow. It should be at least 8.000 to 10.000 people on the friendlist to make bands come here (to germany). The special letters are below the letters. By the way, to each letter is at least one band. Isn't that great? I hope that goal is reached soon!
Das sind die Leute, die ich in ein paar Jahren nach Deutschland bringen möchte. Es wäre grossartig, wenn alle -oder auch nur manche!- von ihnen zusammen in Deutschland auf Tour gehen würden. Natürlich wird die Liste stetig wachsen. Es sollten mindestens 8.000 bis 10.000 Leute hier sein, damit Bands nach Deutschland kommen. Die Numerischen Zeichen (Special Letters) sind unter den Buchstaben. Nur mal so nebenbei, jeder Buchstabe hat mindestens eine Band. Ist das nicht toll? Ich hoffe, das Ziel ist bald erreicht!
US Abigail [myspace site]
JP Acid [official site]
JP Acid Android [official site]
JP ACIDMAN [official site]
JP Aikaryu [official site]
JP Aikawa Nanase [official site]
JP Aile [official site]
JP aki [official site]
JP Akino Arai [official site]
JP akihabara shounen dan dennou romeo [official site]
JP Alhambra [official site]
JP alice nine. [official site] [myspace site]
JP ALvino [offcial site]
JP Amuro Namie [official site]
JP Aliene Mariage
JP Analogfish [official site]
JP ANATAKIKOU [official site]
JP Angel'in Heavy Syrup
JP Angelo [official site]
JP Anna Tsuchiya [official site]
JP Anthem [official site]
JP Anti Feminism [great fansite]
JP An Café [official site] [myspace site]
JP Aqua Timez [official site]
JP Arc [official site]
JP Arashi
JP Art-School [official site]
.. [myspace site]
JP Asian Kung-Fu Generation [official site]
JP Atomic Tornado [official site]
JP Atsushi Sakurai [official site]
JP Aural Vampire [official site] [myspace site]
JP Aushwitz [official site]
JP Aya [official site]
JP aya [official site]
JP Ayabie [official site]
JP ayaka [official site]
JP Azoth [official site]
JP Azrael [official site]
JP B'z [official site]
JP BAAL [official site] [myspacesite]
JP Babamania [official site]
JP Babylon [official site]
JP Back-On [myspace site]
JP Baiser
JP Balzac [official site] [myspace site]
JP Beat Crusaders [official site]
JP Bee-315 [official site]
JP Bennie K [official site]
AUS Bianca [myspace site]
JP Billy [official site]
JP bis [official site]
JP Blast a Skize [official site] [myspace site]
KR BoA [official site]
JP Bomb Factory [official site]
DE Black Peach [myspace site]
DE Bleach03
JP BLOOD [official site] [myspace site]
JP BLOOD STAIN CHILD [official site]
JP Boredoms (active since 1986 and no offical site ..°]
JP Kuraki Mai [offical site]
JP Kurutta [myspace site]
HU Kyoufu no Saakasu [myspace site]
JP L.A.SQUASH [official site] [myspace site]
JP L'arc en ciel [official site]
JP LAB. THE BASEMENT [official site/repair link]
DE Laos [myspace site]
JP Larme d.. ange [official site] [myspace site]
JP La Vie en Rose [official site]
JP Lead [official site]
JP Legend of Europa [official site]
JP LiN CLOVER [official site] [myspace site]
JP Lion [official label site]
JP Lulu [official site]
JP LM.C [official site]
JP Luna Sea [official site]
JP Lynch. [official site] [myspace site]
JP Lyre
JP m-flo [official site]
JP m.o.v.e [official site]
JP MADARA [official site]
JP Magane [official site]
JP Magnum [official site]
JP Marble Sheep [official site]
JP Marge Litch [official site]
JP Marlee [official site] [myspace site]
JP Marmarasa-mu [official site]
JP Mastermind [official site]
JP Maverick [official site]
JP Megamasso [official site]
DE Meinhard [myspace site]
JP Melt-Banana [official site]
JP Metalsafari [myspace site]
JP Meth
JP Metis Gretel
JP met
JP Mercuro [myspace site]
JP Merry [official site]
JP Midori [official site] [myspace site]
JP Minakuchi Emiko
DE misére:you [myspace site]
JP Misia [official site]
JP Miyavi [official site] [myspace site]
JP Mix Market [myspace site]
JP Mo'Some Tonebender [official site]
JP MOGA THE 5 YEN [official site] [myspace site]
JP Moi dix Mois [official site]
moll'e node [official site]
JP Momoi Halko [official site]
JP Mono [official site]
JP MONORAL [official site]
JP monaural curve [official site]
GB Moult [myspace site]
JP Mr. Children [official site]
JP MUCC [official site] [myspace site]
JP Nagabuchi Tsuyoshi [official site]
JP Nakama Hideaki [official site]
JP nano
JP Natchin [official site]
JP Nega [official site]
JP Neurotic Doll [myspace site]
I Neon Synthesis [official site] [myspace site]
JP New Starting Over [official site] [myspace site]
JP Nezumi Hanabi [official site]
JP Nightmare [official site]
JP No God [official site]
AUS Noir du Soleil [myspace site]
JP ohtani [official site]
JP Olivia [official site]
JP Onitsuka Chihiro [official site]
JP Onodera Ayano [official site]
JP Onmyo-za [official site]
JP Otokaze
JP Otsuka Ai [official site]
JP Orange Reange [official blog site]
JP Orchid Void target="blank"[official site]
JP Osamu [myspace site]
JP Outburst [official site]
JP OVER LIMIT [official site] [myspace site]
JP overlord Dio [official site]
JP/KR/C Pacifiction Records [official site] [myspace site]
DE Painters Head [myspace site]
JP Panic Channel
JP Pashya [official site]
JP PE'Z [official site]
US Penis Flytrap [myspace site]
JP Pennicillin [official site]
JP Phantasmagoria [official label site]
JP Phylia
UK Pig [official site] [myspace site]
SP Pinku Jisatsu [myspace site]
JP Pinoruck [official site] [myspace site]
JP Plasmajet [myspace site]
JP PLASTIC [official site]
JP Plastic Tree [official site]
JP POLYSICS [official site]
US Porcufine Defense
JP Porno graffiti [official site]
JP President
PL Psychodelicu Randu [myspace site]
JP PSYCHO LE CEMU [offical site]
JP PSYDOLL [official site] [myspace site]
JP Queen's Berry [official site]
JP Quruli [official site]
JP Ra:IN [official site]
JP Radio Active Dreams (DJ Dora) [myspace site]
JP Radio Caroline [official site]
US Radio Cult [official site] [myspace site]
JP Raging Fury [official site]
JP Rayzi
JP Real Tension [official site]
E RED S.Q.U.A.R.E. [myspace site]
JP Remioromen [official site]
JP RENTRER EN SOI [official site]
JP Rice [official site]
JP Rikugo [myspace site]
JP Ringö Shéna [official site]
JP Risk un Logic [official site]
JP Rize [official site] [myspace site]
JP Roach [official site] [myspace site]
JP ROCK 'N 'ROLL GYPSYS [official site]
JP ROSE ROSE [official site] [myspace site]
DE Rosenstolz [myspace site]
JP Roses [official site]
JP Ruvie [official site]
JP Sadie [official site]
JP Sakamoto Ryuichi [official site]
JP Samurai Delicatessen [myspace site]
JP Sanhose [official site] [myspace site]
JP Schwein [myspace site]
JP Scooby Doo [official site]
JP Scope [official site]
JP Seilane [official site]
JP Sel..m [official site]
JP Sendai Kamotsu [official site]
JP Seraphita [official site]
JP Seventh Son [official site]
JP Sex Machine Guns [official site]
DE SHANADOO [official site]
JP SHAZNA [official site]
JP Sheezy [myspace site]
JP Shichisanshiki [official site]
JP Shimatami Hitomi [official site]
DE Shizuka [myspace site]
JP Sid [official site]
JP Sigh [myspace site]
JP SiSeN [myspace site]
JP Sister Floyd [myspace site]
JP Siva [official site]
JP Skull Candy [myspace site]
GB SOMA [myspace site]
JP Sons of all Pussys [official site]
JP Sorrow [official site]
JP Southern All Stars [official site]
JP Stance Punks [official site] [myspace site]
JP Straightener [official site]
JP Stray Pig Vanguard [official site]
JP Sugar
JP Sugizo [official site] [myspace site]
JP Suicide Ali [official site] [myspace site]
JP Suicide Club [myspace site]
JP Sugimoto [official label site]
JP Sugizo [official site] [myspace site]
JP SUPER DROP BABIES [official site]
JP Syaranosui [official site]
JP T.M.Revolution [official site]
JP Tanimura Shinji
JP Tetsu (Ogawa Tetsuya) [official site]
JP The's [official site]
JP The Alfee [official site]
JP The Back Horn [official site]
JP The Birthday [official site]
JP The Black Mages Final Fantasy Music [official site]
JP The Candy Spooky Theater [official site] [myspace site]
JP The Dead Pop Stars [official site]
JP The Eccentric Opera
JP The Emeralds [myspace site]
JP The GazettE [official site] [myspace site]
JP The Gospellers [official site]
JP The Hands in Pockets [official site] [myspace site]
JP The High Lows [official site]
JP THE KING BROTHERS [offical site]
JP The Mad Capsule Markets [official site]
JP The Neatbeats [official site]
JP The Original Tokyo Rose
JP THE PIASS [official site]
JP the pillows [official site]
JP THE PREDATORS [official site]
JP The Pumpkin Heads
JP The Seventh Sense [myspace site]
JP The Specials [official site] [myspace site]
JP The Velvet [official site]
JP TINC [official site]
JP TMG (Tak Matsumoto Group) [official site]
JP Tokyo Grinders [official site]
JP Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra [official site]
JP TRF [official site]
JP Tomiko Van [official site]
JP Tomoe Shinohara [official site]
JP Toshi [official site] [official english site]
JP Tourbillon [official english site]
JP Transtic Nerve [official english site]
KR TRAX [official japanese site] [official korean site]
KR Tsunashimamire [myspace site]
JP Tush [myspace site]
JP Twistet Clock
JP Ulfuls [official site]
UK Unshin [official site] [myspace site]
JP Unslow [myspace site]
JP UnsraW [official site]
JP Unzu
JP Utada Hikaru [official site]
JP V6 [official site]
JP VAGERKE [official site] [myspace site]
JP Valve Drive [official site] [myspace site]
JP Vanilla [official label site]
JP Vidoll [official label site] [official site]
GR Virgins O.R. Pigeons [myspace site]
SW Visual Sweden [myspace site]
SP Violet Pachinko [myspace site]
JP Violet UK [myspace site]
JP Vortex [official site]
JP VS [official site]
KR w-inds. [official site]
JP Wakusei [official site]
JP Warship [official site] [myspace site]
JP Wild Rolling-K [myspace site]
JP Wired [official site]
JP Witchery Skank [myspace site]
JP Wizard [official site]
JP Wheel of Doom [offical site]
Requiem in pace de eternis sopor,
X Japan
I don't have the heart to let them missed here in this list. They are in our hearts, in eternity.
Ich habe nicht das Herz, sie in dieser Liste fehlen zu lassen. Sie sind in unseren Herzen, auf ewig.
[official site] [A tribute to X Japan]
[A Tribute to Hideto-sama]
DE XanaX [myspace site]
A [myspace site]
JP Yaida Hitomi [official site]
JP Yoshii Kazuya [official site]
JP Yoshiki [official site] [myspace site]
JP Zard [official site]
JP Zero (??????) [official site] [myspace site]
JP Zigz ag 9 [myspace site]
JP Zwei [official site]
Special Letters
DE ° ROZENCRANTZ ° [myspace site]
JP +Isolation
US [geist] [myspace site]
JP 9GOATS BLACK OUT [official site] [myspace site]
JP 10Feet [official site]
JP 13 [official site]
JP 101A [official site]
JP 12012 [official label site]
JP 175R [official site]
JP 176 BIZ [official site]
JP 2BULLET [official site]
JP 3+3 Three Plus Three [official site]
JP 36481?
JP 3b Lab*S [official site]
JP 54 nude honeys [official site]
JP [FIGURe;] [official site]
JP ??????? (kiss you) [myspace site]