STUFF, talent, stimulation on any level, learning new things, music, funk, records, botanicals, new stuff, politics, sociology, literature, philosophy, erotica, cooking, people watching, musicians, recording, nature, style, the recapture of the human soul.
People with perserverance in principals and a willingness to think outside the lines of the social structure of humanity......and grover.
dub, fusion, afro beat, jazz, funk, soul, house, disco, early college rock, blues, electro, hip-hop, acid jazz, downtempo, ambient, classic rock, late 80's pre alternative, anything done really well. it's really quite an addiction.
Drugstore Cowboy, Brazil, Labirynth, Apocalypse Now, Dazed and Confused, Time Bandits, The Shining, Pulp Fiction, Head, blade runner, young frankenstein, any bill murry movie, any Kubrick movie, waiting for guffman, most Sean Penn movies, Evil dead 2, Deer Hunter, Heat, Halloween, Spinal Tap, Better off Dead, Weird Science, Last Temptation of Christ, American Beauty, The Proffesional,Color Purple, River Runs Through It, Yada Yada Yada
Simpsons, History channel, Carnivale. six feet under, FAmily guy, Monty Python, PBS, Random stuff
Filth, Kalki, Blood Meridian, Demian, Messiah, Honey for Bears, On the Road, Rum Diaries, Sun also Rises, Skinny Legs and All, 1984, anything by gore vidal or tom robbins
People who spray that aweful orange tan stuff on their bodies. The religious right, for constantly reminding me that there are people out there way more warped then me and for being the perfect example to use when explaining the word...............oxymoron. People who are perfectly comfortable with listening to the same 10 radio songs for months(nothing beats a cultural labotamy). White people from lincoln park who entertain me by trying to dance to hip hop or any style of music that requires hip movement .16 y.o. wanna-be punk kids still doing the belmont and clark's an idea...........try and create something NEW! At least invent a new color for your hair. Parents who make their children wear helmets while on scooters. All the people out there for voted for Nader to " prove a point"............point taken, thanks a lot. People who sit on a stationary boat and spend all their money playing dollar slots in places like Joliet and Gary Ind. And being bored enough to sit here and hopefully amuse somebody for just a second.