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A B 0 U T * Y 0 U
..::WH0 ARE Y0U::..
NAME ::: April
SEX ::: Female
AGE ::: 17
HEiGHT :::5'4or 5'5
EYE C0L0R ::: Brown
HAiR C0L0R ::: Brown
..::HAVE Y0U EVER::..
HAD DETENTi0N ::: Yes, once ortwice
BEEN T0 A C0NCERT ::: No, I want to really bad though!
MET S0ME0NE FAM0US ::: Nope, but I wouldlike to, so I can have something to brag about!
BEEN iN L0VE ::: Notreally, more like admiration but, love I not sure.
BR0KE THE LAW::: yes
..::WHAT'S Y0UR::..
FAV0RiTE S0NG::: How can I choose?
FAV0RiTE M0ViE ::: To fast to furious: TokyoDrift
FAV0RiTE PLACE T0 BE ::: the mall
CURRENT A0L SN :::what?
CURRENT RELATi0NSHiP STATUS ::: single and loving it!
STYLE ::: Any thing I like
..::ARE Y0U::..
HAPPY ::: Between
B0RED ::: out of my mind
iN L0VE :::Nope
0N THE PH0NE ::: Nope
LiSTENiNG T0 MUSiC ::: Yes, a songin my head, I just can get it out!
G0iNG S0MEWHERE ::: Nope
..::D0 Y0U::..
LiKE SCH00L ::: hell naw anddefinitely not the one am going to!
PLAY AN iNSTRUMENT ::: No, but Iwant to learn how to play guitar and Piano.
LiKE T0 SiNG ::: Yes,but the problem is I can't (lol)
MiSS S0ME0NE ::: Yes
HAVE MAKEUP 0N ::: I never wear make up
..::QU0TE T0 LiVE BY::..
..... ::: Do what you wantin life so you don't die with regrets!
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You seem to have it all worked out. You are emotional strong, warm and know how to love. More importantly you think with both your head and your heart allowing you to handle all romantic situations calmly. How did you get this smart!!
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