sWooZie profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

&nbspVideo Blogs: [New Video Blog every Monday] IF VIDEO LOADS WITH NO SOUND, click the speaker under the video and then drag the bar for audioAbout Me:Quote: "Have you been taught what you think you believe?" Name: Adande/sWooZie
Status: Single Smoke/Drink: No/No Children: Yes I want kids. Orientation: Straight Religion: Christian † Facts: Love my parents to death! Very easy to get along with.
Likes: Video Games, family, friends, technology, P.F. Changs, movies, church, writing, blogging, myspace, long hot showers, long naps, rainy/overcast days, waking up while it's raining
Dislikes: Ignorance, dramedy, cold showers
Here For: Networking, Serious Relationship, XBOX LIVE challengers ;) Zodiac Sign: Cancer Who I'd like to meet: George Lucas, Ted Elliott, Steven Spielberg, Jimmy Hayward, Chris Meledandri Music: Hip Hop instrumentals, Classical, Jazz, anything that doesn't have the word "death" in-front of the genre (i.e 'death goth'), Hans Zimmer, John Williams, Corner Stone Cues, E.S. Posthumus, Linkin Park, Don Davis, Danny Elfman, Movies: First off- I gotta thank those of you who stop by the page frequently. I spend more of my time these days replying to emails, comments & friend requests as opposed to making the first move but I like to surprise people every now and then. Love to chat about life topics (God, religion, relationships & Video games etc). I love myspace for the simple reason that it lets me express myself with virtually no limitations. Aside form gaming, my passion is film making.I love LA. Each time I go, it feels like I should've been born there. If I go 2 your page & you seem like a cool person (even just from your profile pic) expect a friend request n_n.Just a few of my many awesome friends:
FEMALES:Adande's typed blogs
read all blogs here** Do you accept what your eyes don't see? If you can't touch, taste or see it... does it exist? Hey gang--- sorry for the delay on the blogs. I don’t really schedule these- a thought jumps out at me and lets me know when it’s time to post. Gotten a number of people who stop me after reading this one when I'm out and about that have shared their thoughts... (click here for more) ~My 2 cents ..ion Cut and dry... is abortion right or wrong?"... I've met many people who are pro-choice. I've heard... "It's my body, I can do whatever I want with it" but you're not aborting your body- you're aborting someone elses body. Think about it..." (click here for more)Sex, lies and Gay People Are people born gay or is it a subconscious choice?"...He started to expand on a number of eye opening things he'd been through; He then said to me "Brother, whoever tells you that they were born gay is not only lying to you but lying to themselves..." (click here for more)Optical illusion Click the link. The pic will play with your eyes."...Keeping with the trend of sharing... thought I'd share this also... This is a still image... Crazy stuff huh? Do you guys see the snakes moving???..." (click here for more)[Video] Did we come from an explosion or were we created? Did death bring life into the world or vise versa"...I'm not gonna lie, at first, I didn't really wanna watch this guy (Kent Hovind) but my friend had the DVD, sat me down and told me just to give him a shot- so going along with the "open minded" theme, I did and all I have to say is WOW..." (click here for more)
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sWooZie Video Game Remixes Check out my ustream page sWooZie Video Blogs Season: 1-7Forward to friendAdd to favoritesSubscribe to the vids on youtubeView all friends
Get the VLoG's on your Pod! AIM SN: swooshxinQuote of the week: "I am not whatI ought to be, I am not whatI want to be,I am not whatI hope to bein another world;but still I amnot what I onceused to be,and by the graceof God I am what I am" -To BeMedia:[video] CGS on CNBC [video] Game Head goes Pro...Gaming [video] Epileptic Gaming #128: Master and sWooZie! *Extended* [video] Xbox.com CGS World Finals intro [video] Xbox.com interview with Mystik DrDogg /TheCGS.com sWooZie interview GotFrag Interview: sWooZie IGN.com CGI interview: Adande "sWooZie" Thorne Living the Moment with sWooZie and Jason Lake [New, old interview] Video Game Music 4 all: sWoosH Interview

My Interests

God, Games, Girls, Family, Video Blogging, Films, writing, hot showers, rainy days, cooking


"Vuelvo Al Sur" by: Koop, "Ebla" by: E.S. Posthumas, "They" by: Jem, "Umbrealla" by: Rihanna featuring Jay-Z, "Like a Boy" by Ciara, Star Wars 1-3 Soundtrack by: John Williams, The Matrix Score by: Don Davis, "We Need a Resolution" by: Aaliyah, "Escape" by: Craig Armstrong, 80's cartoon theme music


Passion of the Christ, The Matrix, Final Fantasy: Advent Children, Star Wars III, Duck Tales: Treasure of the Lost Lamp, The Chipmunk Movie, Transformers, Star Wars I, Star Wars II, The Protector, Spiderman 2, Jackie Chan: Legend of the Drunken Master, Who am I?, The Incredibles, Aladdin, The Lion King, Contact, Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker, Minority Report


Championship Gaming Series, Futurama, FLCL, The Family Guy episodes that aren't over the top, Duck Tales, 8th & Ocean, Batman Beyond, Rob & Big, Thundercats, Duck Tales, Gummi Bears, Cowboy Bebop, The Daily 10, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, lost


Bible, Answers to my Catholic Friends


Jesus, Bruce Wayne, Mario, Kasumi, Marty McFly, Jackie Chan, Gizmo Duck, Optimus Prime

My Blog

sWooZie Video Blogs Season: 1-6

These are the YouTube Video Blogs season's 1-6 all in order (minus some of the Easter Eggs). EnjoySeason 1:1-13 Season 2:14-26 Season 3:27-38 Season 4:39-52: Seas...
Posted by sWooZie on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 12:16:00 PST

LA Times: Gaming gone Pro

The LA times made it so anyone who wanted to read the article had to register on thier site so this is your ticket into the back door ;)Professional gaming hopefuls are ready to fight to the virtual d...
Posted by sWooZie on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:51:00 PST

Do you accept what your eyes don't see??

Do you accept what your eyes don't see??You guys ready to think? There is a saying: Walk by faith and not by sight. Some know that saying well, but did you guys know we allll have faith? I mentioned i...
Posted by sWooZie on Thu, 17 Aug 2006 01:45:00 PST

***[UPDATED] Birthday Bash Blog

A light hearted blog is just what the doctor ordered. This bash easily blew out any of the other birthday bashes in the prior years. 4:15 Friday, July 7th: Marriot Vista... this place easily blows ou...
Posted by sWooZie on Tue, 11 Jul 2006 09:20:00 PST

~My 2 cents on abortion...

~My 2 cents on abortion... If it is not a human being; what kind of being is it? My 10 year old cousin and I were sitting my room awhile ago & he turned to me and said "Did you know that we&...
Posted by sWooZie on Thu, 29 Jun 2006 02:43:00 PST

This picture plays w/ your eyes

Optical illusion... Keeping with the trend of sharing... thought I'd share this also... This is a still image... Crazy stuff huh? Do you guys see the snakes moving???...
Posted by sWooZie on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 09:14:00 PST

~~Sex, Lies, and Gay People

Sex, Lies, and Gay People... Are people born gay or is it choice? Thinking caps, activated... Not too long ago, I was over at a (for the time being) nameless 4 star hotel. I was walking...
Posted by sWooZie on Sat, 10 Jun 2006 11:10:00 PST

[Video] Did we come from an explosion or were we created?

Whats up crew? For those of you who've never heard this guy speak... give him a listen. Anyone who wants to skip the small talk and jump..to the message, you can scrub the bar to the 5:30 mark and sta...
Posted by sWooZie on Sun, 28 May 2006 05:09:00 PST

**Click here to play the caption game**

From time to time I come across pics on the net that make me just stop and laugh. Not sure if you guys have ever played any variation of the caption game but I say we have a little fun with it on the ...
Posted by sWooZie on Thu, 25 May 2006 10:41:00 PST

~Ask me ANY question about anything

20 Questions...**update... there is a page two now- the link is directly underthe first blog post...** What's up troops. This was a blog I've been thinking about for awhile and figured it was ti...
Posted by sWooZie on Thu, 11 May 2006 02:05:00 PST