Emmanuel :MASTER: Rodriguez [In Dallas]! profile picture

Emmanuel :MASTER: Rodriguez [In Dallas]!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

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I like to lift weights, I like to play soccer and love to play video games. I have Officially gone pro in gaming as of Aug. of 2006. Currently i am with the CGS team: Dallas Venom! I am glad for this opportunity and if you know my team dont hesitate to visit its website or mine at http://www.dallasvenom.com and Doacentral.com (thanx!!!). But anyway when I am not working or worrying about those things or the business aspect of it I like to go to the club and get down with my bad self and go to many Fancy restaurants to see different Parts of the Dallas Metroplex and to tryout different foods and get a chance to see small parts of different cultures

My Interests

My interests are Cars, Dancing, partying/clubbing, Lifting weights, Anything having to do with gaming and gaming events, anything that requires me to fly somewhere and when i get there i end up having sWooZie as my roommate all the time so we end up doing crazy antics & vlogs. And last but not least YOU! i like meeting new people and learning what it is people like you like to do, because every one is different and thats what makes it Interesting ;)

I'd like to meet:

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I would like to meet all the Major Dallas teams and get an autograph by them like the Dallas Starz, Dallas Mavericks, Dallas Cowboys and Texas Rangers. I am not a big sports guy but i think it is amazing what they do when i catch a game :). I also want to meet people interested in the gaming business since i love to promote gaming to the fullest. And the last person or persons i want meet is the person reading this! i want to meet everyone that reads my page someday including YOU!MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE


My favorite music is just about anything and everything but i usually listen to Rap and Rock and of course oldies most of the time :). I Love Clubbing music that usually gets people dancing and i will listen to techno too as long as the beats are HOT!


What can i say I'm a Guy and i want to see some Jackie Chan, jet Li type of scenes! I like action movies and horror ones two. Every now and then I'll go watch a chick flick but only on special occasions so it rare for that to happen, But I'm not going to lie the Notebook was the only one I've liked my whole LIFE and thats it! all i got to say is if theres Martial arts (which i like a lot) in a movie, I'm there. Or sometimes some computer generated movies are interesting too(ice Age, FF7 Advent Children, etc).


Not much T.V. really but i will be getting DirecTV soon and i will definitely be watching myself *cough* i mean TV a lot more especially the channel 101! you should get DirecTV too! its the BEST!


I don't read many books however i read a lot of gaming magazines like the new pro-gamer, EGM, eSports, gameinformer, etc. I also read like Stuff, Maxim, and a few car magazines. So i do read quite a bit just not books ;) unless green eggs and ham still count lol!


My Mom, Brother and Sister are heroes to me. My mom because she raised everyone by herself and was able to put my sister through college and being able to withstand the long times my brother was in the army over sea's and by helping me make it out of school and putting me in college.My sister because she made it through college and is a very well paid and experienced Architect. If anyone needs something drawn or laid out, like a house or building, and is talking serious business, trust me she is the one to get a hold of. My brother for having the Balls to sell his life for over six years in the Military and is now a Mechanic and was able to train me in gaming and build a good foundation for me in gaming. Thanx Bro! And your still better than me no matter how many times i beat you now lol.Also i have to add my NEWEST hero and that is John(from or was from TN)! this man is AMAZING! He is a very strong supporter of the DOA community in every shape or form and has helped me out a GREAT DEAL in the Business world and was the person that helped me meet Itigaki-san. John if you ever READ this bro I mean it, you are the Shiznite! thx!One other important hero in my life right now is the ANCIENT OF GAMING! the OLD WISE MAN known as Morris 'Dahlsim' Hunter! This man has been like a Father to me ever since I have met him. He has definitely been there through good and bad times and somehow manages to run so many things in the DOA community that no one else would try doing. This man is the Creator of DOACENTRAL folks and has helped me Numerous times to get to where i am. That is a true friend.