Kui Kui profile picture

Kui Kui

Take the time to enjoy the simple things in life.. ..

About Me

I could neva fit everything about me in this lil' box but here are a few things that'll let you know where I'm comin from

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My Interests

I eNJoy many tHinGs, as tHERe is so muCH to exPERience in life. Some oF the THings thAT cOMe to mINd are foREIgn trAVel ,whiCH I hAve dONE briefly but wOUld like to do MOre of,lIstenINg to soULful muSic, body beAutiFicATion( manI's,pEDi's, fAcIaLs, masSAGes), ecLEctic faSHIon, cHILdrEN's education, crEatinG FiNanCial weAltH and StabilITy 4 me aNd my fAmilY, stuDying ACcoUntinG, KeepiNg AnciEnt AfriCaN CuStomS and TraDitIonS AlivE, VeGeTariAn CuiSuiNe,GettIn Out 2 clubs, museums, concerts, speeches, conventions, musicals, sportings events and more.( I CaN't BE CooPed Up in The HoUsE For too LonG)

I'd like to meet:

Progressive positive people.People th@t @re open minded. Go Getters. Lovers of Life.Fellow [email protected] [email protected] with Integrity.Secure individuals. & those that are Spiritually wealthy.


Reggae,old school hip hop,new school hip hop, R&B, international music,Rap and any other mind expanding sounds . U might catch me listening to Nas, Mos Def, Sizzla, Bob Marley, Nina Simone, Nina Sky, Watts 1965, Proton, Capleton,Portishead, musik from the Dirty South, Outkast, Ludacris, D'Angelo, Common, Ciara, Alchemist, Queen, Madonna, Capoeira musiq, Gigi, Beyonce, Jackson Five, Lauryn Hill ,Tribe, The Roots,Miki Vale,Sade, Bjork, Heltah Skeltah, Wu-Tang, KanYe West, Jade Ross,J. Holiday and the list goes on............


The Secret,Belly,She Hate Me, Kidz, Dazed and Confused, ,The Usual Suspects, Countryman, City of Gods...................


TV is not really my thing ***********Here's Some Food For Thought**********


I am currently wrapped up in the autobiography of Audre Lorde,titled Warrior Poet. Some others I like are The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Boys by Juwanzaa Kunjufu, Heal Thyself by Queen Afua,Soul Vegetarian Cookbook.Anything Alice Walker is good too. Hit me up with any suggestions on good reads


She is called by many names *Mother,Mama,Umi,Enat,Mere,Mom,Momma,Mami,Mama,* My Umi said shine yo light on the world------shine yo light for the world to see...........