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I am here for Friends

About Me

A go-go...


-Dont add me If youre not going to talk to me -If I add you and you dont like who I am then Block me Thank you

=This is ME=

Me gusto por coqeta My name is Haley.I live in Houston, Texas. My mom lives in Tijuana. Im 21 Im one of those people you can be sure to count on. Soi de aqi i de alla
I luvAt this moment in my life I just want to find "me" again My life is not easy but i like it this way[Im stronger 'cause of it].i wouldnt change nothin in it.I cry a lot.I dream a lot.Im romantic[When I love i really LOve].I dont eat red meat.Im really slow when I eat.I believe in real love.I dont smoke, [never have probably never will.i find it stupid].When i get nervous I talk a lot.I say a lot of stupid things but Im serious when I have to be.Im always going to have an opinion for everything.
I miss the feeling of being in love.[The sparkle in my eyes.The emotions.The smiles.The butterflies in yur stomach.the feeling of having all that yu need.holding hands and feelin safe.dreaming while awake.text messaging at nite just to say I love yu.Makin stupid notes in my binder.skippin just to be with him for a couple of mins more.arrrg yeps i miss]
=Hates= racism.lying.cheating [its lame how cheating its so easy for some people].fights.how yur jeans get wet when it rains.Giving up.Distance.
If yu read all of this. you should add me. Id like to talk to yu. =) I would love to get to know yu a little now.

My Interests

but love don't make things nice - it ruins everything. It breaks your heart. It makes things a mess. We aren't here to make things perfect. The snowflakes are perfect. The stars are perfect. Not us. Not us! We are here to ruin ourselves and to break our hearts and love the wrong people and DIE! -moonstruck.

"a wise girl kisses but does not love, listens but does not believe, and leaves before she is left" -MM

the shortest story ever told the best & worst memory combined the sparkle of a beatiful smile the strongest arms ever hold the saddest poem to be told the song thats playing in my head it will never pause it will never stop an unfinished story in a way maybe someday, someday

I'd like to meet:

The One