I'm 20. When I was in high school I was a really good. Worked really hard at school, kept myself in line, great friends, who kept me from temptation. High school ended years ago, I'm still a good kid, sometimes I have bad judgement though.
I have a best friend, actually I have two best friends. One of them lives three streets away and has given me a home away from home. He is amazing and proof that when you need support in your life you don't have to look far to find it. The other one lives in a small town called Keller. She is amazing, a lil firecracker, full of energy, and never lets me be dull. Yea, they're pretty amazing, now if only I could get them in the same room (Keller is like 5 hours away :()
If you're in my inner circle of close friends I probably see some part of myself in you. Randomness, stuborness, faith, secrets, change... i guess everyone shares something in common with everyone... but it's probably a good thing. Anyways, once you are in, you are in. I don't mean that in a mafia way, just I never turn my back on a friend, it goes against my nature.
I believe in people. I want to have faith in humanity, and I don't think that is a bad thing. I love freely, I give away too much of myself, I try to hard to ease other people's burdens. Some people say I am naive, some people say I am stupid. I help and stand beside people who are said to be beyond help. A friend can make a huge difference, a little kindness can make a huge difference. I believe that. I live by that. I would do anything for a friend, I would do just about anything for someone in need. It is who I am. Some people can't get that. I can't justify not being that way.
I believe in love, real love, it's kinda like in the movies but better because it survives in the real world against real world problems. I want that kind of love. Haven't gotten it quite yet, but it's worth waiting for...
While I'm waiting, I'll just keep doing that whole going to work and studying hard for school, and hanging with my friends. At least until I graduate, land a kick butt job at as a financial analyst at an investment banking firm. That's pretty far away... but one day yea..
A few (more random) things to know about me:
I laugh at my own jokes
I hate silence 95% of the time which results in me talking a lot
I love to listen to people and learn from them (so do me a favor end the silence and talk about yourself)
I would do anything for a friend
Most of the time when Im not saying anything it isn't because I have nothing to say I am either a. impressed b. moved or c. debating whether or not i should say what i want to say
Tequila = not my friend
My mind nearly never shuts off, so if you ask me what i'm thinking and i say "nothing" thats a lie
If I had to chose between friends and sleep I'd pick friends, but a great friend is one you can nap with (ask my best friends how true that is)
My brain w/o coffee is pretty much mush
I have AOL Messenger: Orligal2006
Yahoo Messnger:
[email protected]
drop a line whenever