he is a kind person that be there for you when you need somebody..terrance is a nice guy that usually don't get on people face and grilled..i got some closest friends and he is one of them...don't be shy to know him because he is kool from julie and she is a cutiei like to play my PS2 and walk on the edge of the river and bike trails HeY WuTz gUd tHiIz hErE IIz kAssIe cOmIiN ThRu tUh tElL YaLl BoUt mIi bIg bRo tErRaNcE.. mE AnD HiM ArE HeLlA ClOsE... He bEeN ThErE FoR MeEh ThRu iIt aLl.. BoYz , bAcK StAbBiN FrIeNdZ , aNd fAmIlY PrObLeMz..... hE ToUgHt mEeH DaT LiFe iS A Big oBsTiClE CoUrSe .. bIg pRoBlEmS ArE AlWaYs gOn geT ThRoWn aT YhU ThRoUgHoUt lIfE.. MiI BiG BrO Is a vErY NiCe rEsPeCtFuL yUnG MaN aNd kNOwZ HoW TuH GeT ThRu tHiInGz... hE Is vErY SwEeT To mEeH AnD HaS AlWaYz kNoWn hOw tUh pUt a sMiLe oN mIi fAcE........THANX BIG BRO....yHu mEAn aLoT TuH MeEh... ALwAyZ MeEh ..
old school,rap,hip hop and RnB
spiderman3,don't be a menace,bad boy2,friday,next friday,friday after next,comming to america and big momma house
malcom/eddy code monkeys king of the hill malcom in the middle degrassi family guy the simpsons basketball football
my dad because he taught how to be a man and i will forgot that my sisters because they always been there for me no matter what my mom because she is a strong woman and i will do anything for her deputy northcross because he taught there is better things to do then playing in the streets