Member Since: 4/7/2007
Band Members: pierre fa (peppermoon's songwriter, produced by Jay Alansky)
Influences: MUSIC
Sam Phillips ("Fan Dance") + A Reminiscent Drive + David Sylvian ("Secrets Of The Beehive", "Dead Bees On A Cake") + Barbara Carlotti ("Les lys brisés") + Susanne Abbuehl ("April") + Joe Henry + Debussy's piano music (by Claudio Arrau) + Belle and Sebastian + Le Grand Magistery + Jane Birkin ("Ex-fan des sixties") + Cornelius + Anjali + Elliott Smith + Sheller + Chamfort + Tori Amos + Rufus Wainwright + Ed Harcourt + Barth + Bowie ("Hunky Dory") + Morning Star + Sondre Lerche + Charles Ives ("Central Park In The Dark") + Feist + Gonzales + Marie Laforet (60's) + Efterklang + Matthew Jay + Aimee Mann + Grandaddy + Vanessa Paradis ("Pourtant") + Robert Gomez ("Brand New Towns") + The Divine Comedy + The Cardigans + compilations + "The Get Easy Sunshine Pop Collection" + Les Innocents ("Post Partum") + The Bathers + Françoise Hardy + Holden + Jeanne Moreau ("Fourmi") + Lisa Ekdahl + Marie Modiano ("Outland") + The Concretes + Single + Nina Simone + Edwyn Collins + Juliette Greco + Emiliana Torrini + Buzy + Daniel Darc ("Nijinsky") + Serge Gainsbourg (late 60's, early 70's) + Nara Leao + The Mamas & Papas + The Zombies + Talk Talk + Sing Sing ("Feels Like Summer") + The Magic Numbers (esp. on stage) + Christophe + Propellerheads + Shirley Bassey + Armande Altaï + Stathis + Bic Runga + C.O.S. ("We Don't Play Guitars") + Julien Baer + Ryuchi Sakamoto + etc.
"Orphee" (Cocteau) + "Breakfast at Tiffany's" + "La planete sauvage" + "Ed Wood" + "Printemps, ete, automne, hiver... et printemps" + "Casanova" (Fellini) + "In The Mood For Love" + "Le mystere Picasso" + "La nuit du chasseur" + "Nos voisins les Yamada" + "The Man Who Fell To Earth" + "Le tombeau des lucioles" + "Qui etes-vous Polly Maggoo ?" + "Forbidden Planet" + "Le conte des contes" (Yuri Norstein) + "Elisabeth / The Golden Age" + Takagi Masakatsu's video work + Karel Zeman movies + Jiri Trnka + etc.
Nicolas Bouvier ("L'usage du monde", "Le poisson scorpion", "Chronique japonaise") + Julio Cortazar ("Cronopes et fameux", "Le tour du jour en 80 mondes") + Emma Kunz + Patrick Van Caeckenbergh ("Atlas des idéations") + Haruki Murakami ("L'elephant s'evapore"), Jules Supervielle + Nabokov ("Feu pale", entre autres) + Boris Vian + Valery Larbaud + Soseki + Will ("Isabelle") + Wasterlain ("Docteur Poche") + Fred ("Philemon") + Liz Greene + Stephen Arroyo + Jiro Taniguchi ("L'homme qui marche" "Terre des reves", "L'orme du Caucase"...) + Yosa Buson + Basho + Glen Baxter + Lord Whimsy + Alain Gree + Francois Rollin ("J'ai reflechi pour vous") + Shinichiro Kobayashi ("Deathtopia") + Rinko Kawauchi + Oscar Niemeyer + Frank Lloyd Wright + "Southern California in the 50's" + etc.
Thé vert (ChunMee Moonpalace, Macha, Sencha, Kokicha...) + Thé noir (Darjeeling First Flush) + Chai (surtout au Café Gallery Bryggen, à Bergen !!) + Cardamome + Thym + Basilic + Mangue + Fraises des bois + Fleur d'oranger + Poivres divers et variés + Pain azyme + cuisines d'amitié + "Dan Bau" (Paris) + "Momoka" (Paris) + "Toraya" (Paris) + "Scabiosa" (Kyoto) + "Kunitoraya" (Paris) + "Nodaiwa" (Paris) + "Indonesia" (Paris) + "Café Maé" (Paris) +"Papermoon-Cafe" (Kyoto) + etc.
Lilas + Mimosa + Menthe + Giroflée + Térébenthine + Encens des temples bouddhistes + odeurs de bois (vieilles maisons japonaises, l'intérieur des pianos, magasins d'antiquités, etc) + "...quand la pluie fait chanter l'odeur de la pierre..." + Diptyque ("Tam Dao", "L'eau Trois", bougie "Mimosa") + Penhaligon's ("Hammam") + comme des garçons (bougie "Kyoto") + Dior (bougie "Eau noire") + senteurs de fée (Absolu de Jasmin) + japanese incense (Kayuragi "SandalWood", NK "Snow in Kyoto") + huiles essentielles (petit grain de Clémentinier, pin sylvestre...) + etc.
Sounds Like: the thoughts you have while gazing at a big, fresh, heavy quartz ball.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None