My DeMoN,Reading,drawing,photography,sculpting,assemblage,engra vings(that tastes like Dürer's)traveling,festivals,composing,art,all kinds of dark&perverted art forms,artists,watching movies,writing my own "book of shadows",my journal,birds,RaVeNs,red wine,candles&gravelights,snow,everthting about old "old-earth",asatru,devas-elemantals,everything that blurred with dark,occultism&spirituality,rolling tobacco,rain,snow,pines,Celts,germanistic,philosophy,psycolo gy,abandoned places,runes ,NaTuRe,myths,legends,war...
People who has same interest in music and sense of life with me,also the ones who could support the same thought and ideas.I am here to speak about only the music,art and my interests.Please don't disturb me with your feeble minded comments,I wont reply them.NEVER add me if you don't have any interest to speak with me or considering to extend up your profile,I don't want to be your piece of your fucken collection!!!Besides;I DON'T ADD PROFILES THAT ARE PRIVATE&HIDDEN,WHICH ARE BEING SENT TO ME!!!Why should I add people, whom I couldn't know&see anything about?and lastly,If you realize urself being deleted from my friends list,it means that I have no longer desire to contact with you,so pls.don't send me a request again...
Fellowship of the path dwellers...
Kita Vess
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I try to be much more limber about my music stuff,like classical music,folk,dark ambient,suicidal,viking,old thrash,old school,death and pretty MUCH into the black metal...The ones I like,saluted over there;1349,Archgoat,Antaeus,Altar,Amon Amarth,Asgaroth,Aura Noir,Arch Enemy,Azaghal,Bathory,Burzum,Belphegor,Behemoth,Celtic Frost,Clandestine Ablaze,Corpus Christii,Carphatian Forest,Craft,Corpus Christii,Darkthrone,Dissection,Dawn,Deathspell Omega,Diabolical Masqurade,Dismember,Darkened Nocturn Slaughtercult, Elite,Einherjer,Emperor,Empyrium,Enslaved,Enochian Crescent,Enthroned,Entombed,Forgotten Silence,Falkenbach,Forgotten Tomb,Gorgoroth,Ghaalskagg,Graveland,Heresi,Hellmilitia,Hades ,Horna,Hypocrisy,Inaeternum,Immortal,Koldbrahn,Kampfar,Keep of Kallessin,Liar of Golgotha,Lux Occulta,Malevolent Creation,Marduk,Mithotyn,Manegarm,Menhir,Mock,Morgul,Mörg Gryning,Mutiilation,Necrophobic,Negura Bunget,Novembre,Ophthalamia,Orphange,Old Funeral,Obsculum Infame,Pain,Paradigma,Primordial,Silencer,SOTM,Satyricon,Shi ning,Storm,Suffocation,Taake,Trelldom,Ulver,Unleashed,Vader, The vision Bleak,WaTaIn,Venom,Vital Remains,Zarathusrta,Zyklon...
I can't bind my cinamatic stuff with only some good films;all kinds of psychologic tension,horror,dram and war movies...
I hate that stuff, only for some documentaries...
All books that open my perceptions and feed my intellect..
A hero?I don't belive in heroes.They are the ones who are created from flesh and bone,all human like others.Everyone should be his/her hero...