URGEHAL profile picture



About Me

Back in 1992 T. Nefas and Enzifer brought to life a bestial black metal warmachine and named it Urgehal. Now, over 15 years after it's unholy foundation the same warmachine claims new territory.
Urgehal celebrated their 15 years anniversary this year with releasing an anniversary album entitled “The Eternal Eclipse – 15 years of Satanic Black Metal”. Still proving there are True Norwegian Black Metal bands left from the early 90’s.
2 Demo recordings and 6 albums made Urgehal to one of the most important underground acts ever! A band that never wanted to be recognized by the major audience and therefore never targeted their music towards any commercial paradigms of metal, but stayed true to their faith in the old underground mentality.
At this very moment Urgehal are preparing their new album and they will again prove their existence of demonstrative and pounding darkness. This is stripped down and for real. Await utter Norwegian Darkness.
Black Metal has not become a major movement as many may believe, what has become big is a new neo black metal movement with solely no roots in the real past and real values of the fundamental darkness, hate and misanthropy which black metal is built upon.
The real black metal is still underground, because it's too harsh and ugly to be swallowed by the big audience. And it will always stay that way.
A decade later there are few left, and who will stand the next?

My Interests


Member Since: 2/26/2007
Band Website: urgehal.com / Contact: [email protected]
Band Members:

Sounds Like:
Record Label: Agonia Records
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Storm of Destruction Festival

Hill! After two unholy nights with madness and 14 days with abstinence, we would like to thank Kamil and everyone else who were involved with the organizing of the festiv...
Posted by URGEHAL on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 03:27:00 PST


Legion! The waiting time is over! We are proud to announce our new drummer for the upcoming festivals. Namely Renton (Sarkom)! He decided to join the militia, and after only two rehearsals w...
Posted by URGEHAL on Fri, 02 May 2008 07:14:00 PST


Behold!    Due to the fact our drummer decided to leave the band recently, we are now forced to cancel our show. It’s impossible for us to find a replacement drumme...
Posted by URGEHAL on Sat, 29 Mar 2008 08:46:00 PST


Comrades!    Follow this LINK. All pictures taken by MIRA / METALSHOTS...
Posted by URGEHAL on Tue, 29 Jan 2008 06:44:00 PST


For those of you who didn't know, we have now taken control over this once fan site run by our comrade Aleksey. (+BéS+) HAIL!The choice was either to close the whole shit down or to take advantage of ...
Posted by URGEHAL on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 02:46:00 PST