J Rock USA profile picture

J Rock USA

I am here for Networking

About Me

This is the J Rock USA Tour Project profile! It is a fan made profile that was created on behalf of everyone that wants to see their favorite J Rock (Japanese Rock) bands in concert but are unable to due to many reasons (money, parents etc). I have neither the money nor the resources to put a tour together on my own however, I would like to be able to have one some day.
I will try my hardest to keep information as up to date as I possibly can but sometimes I am unable to do so. Right now I am in the process of gathering fanmail addresses so that you guys all have one place to look when you want to write to your favorite bands.
I am also going to try to have bands and concert dates that will be coming up that are in the U.S. borders. This is the difficult one for me to keep updated because I am busy most days and I am unable to look for concert dates and bands. In short, if you know of any concert dates than please message me and let me know so that I can share the wealth with other people on the profile.
Like I said earlier I would like to get a tour started. I know about being J Rock concert starved and frankly it is not really fair that California gets almost all of the concerts (sorry if your in California I mean this in no offense). I have plans for this profile that I am now going to outline.
1)When the profile reaches 10,500 friends I will begin writing to possible sponsors. I will also allow you guys to help out with this by giving you all a "sponsor of the week" and their corporation contact info so that you all can write a letter, e-mail, or call to ask them to sponsor a J Rock tour. There is definitly strength in numbers! One letter might not do much but a few thousand gets a lot more attention from CEO's.
2)When I feel that I have enough sponsors to support a tour (the reason bands don't come to the U.S. that often is because of costs, that is why the sponsors come first) I will begin trying to contact bands and their management to see if they would be interested in participating in a tour such as this (many bands, 2-3 days long at each stop etc). I would like to have at least six bands on the tour so that they can play a full set and all of the bands are on one stage.....not three. I know what it's like to try to choose which band you would rather see because of multiple stage performances that go on at the same time. Again contacting the bands will have to be a major group effort so that they sit up and take notice and realize that there is a major interest in having J Rock concerts in the U.S.
3)After sponsors are taken care of and we have bands lined up for a tour we get to party like it's 1999! Of course I will try to have the tour (if it comes about) stop in as many states as possible. I know you all want to see them and I know that a lot of people have circumstances that doesn't allow travel to distant locations (bad car, parents don't allow you to go to out of state concerts etc) so I promise that if this comes about that I will try my absolute hardest to get a stop in every state I can! Heck I might even schedule two or three for some states due to population and geographical size.
4)I know that there are people on my profile that don't live in the U.S. but are still supporting (thank you so much!) so if the U.S. tour goes well than I will try to set up a world tour for everyone else to enjoy!
Important note
None of the above is guaranteed. I am just a fan with as little money as most of you. All I can guarantee is that I am trying very hard to get you as much information as I can get my hands on.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

All the people that are popping up on this map (you need to click on it to see everyone)....and of course my favorite J rockers.

You have been marked on my profile map! Click to zoom-in.

Banners that you guys made for me! Thank you!

The banners below do not have codings that redirect you to this profile yet (That's why it took awhile to get them up). I'm still trying to relocate the code that redirects so bear with me please

This page started on Friday April 5th 2007 at 12:30 P.M.




Anti Feminism and Hagakure
December 9, Brooklyn, New York - Studio B
December 11, Dallas, Texas - Lakewood Theater
December 13, Los Angeles, California - The Knitting Factory Hollywood
December 15, San francisco, California - DNA Lounge


J ROCK ARTIST'S BIRTHDAYS AND FAN MAIL ADDRESSESI will put more up as my schedule allows. I promise I will try to have every member's birthday under each listing and each listing will include an address that you can send birthday cards to.
Abingdon Boys School
alice nine.
alice nine.
(alice nine. member name)
101 Maison Du Soleil, Eifuku 3-49-11,
Suginami, Tokyo, ZIP 168-0064
Hiroto - May 4th
Saga - June 24th
Shou - July 5th
NAO - July 31st
Tora - Sept 17th
Aliene Mariage
Antic Cafe
Asian Kung Fu Generation
Aural Vampire
D'espairsRay (insert member's name)
c/o Sword Records
Shibuya Daini TY Building 3F
2-2-8 Higashi, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo-to 150-0011

Dir en Grey
Dir en Grey
(Member Here)
Roppongi 4-8-6
Pacific Capital Plaza Building 6F
Gackt Official FANCLUB Dears
Shibuya-yuubinkyoku DOME, Shibuya-ku
Tokyo 150-8681
(On the outside, address it to Gackt.)
The GazettE
(Member Name)
3-49-11 Suginami-ku, Eifuku
Tokyo 168-0064

Aoi-January 20
Ruki-February 1
Reita-May 27
Uruha-June 9
Kai-October 28
Nii- [email protected]
ShuU- [email protected]

Ryo- [email protected]
(Kagrra member name)
101 Maison Du Soleil, Eifuku 3-49-11,
Suginami, Tokyo, ZIP 168-0064
Isshi - ....
Akiya - Aug 25th
Sin - Sept 11th
Nao - Feb 5th
Izumi - Feb 11th
Double Fox
Motoyama Building
4-11-28 Minami-azabu
Minato-ku, Tokyo 106-0047
(Kra member name)
101 Maison Du Soleil, Eifuku 3-49-11,
Suginami, Tokyo, ZIP 168-0064
Keiyu - Feb 26th
Mai - April 14th
Yura - Aug 12th
Yasuno - Nov 4th
"LM.C maya or Aiji"
Pony Canyon Music
2-5-10, Toranomon, Minato-ku
Tokyo ?150-0001
101 Maison Du Soleil, Eifuku 3-49-11,
Suginami, Tokyo, ZIP 168-0064
Miyavi-Sept. 14th
(Member Name)
Julia Build 8F,
5-3-23 Toyosaki, Kita-ku,
Osaka 531-0072

Serial Number

Sasaki- October 15
Kazune- May 25
Shiyuu- February 17
Hibiki- October 15
Kai- July 8
These are links that I got to official sites. They contain contact information and I've only checked out the first site and the info was in Japanese so if they are all in Japanese I will need to get it translated so that all of the non Japanese readers can write to them too!


J Rock USA Tour's Affiliates! Check em out.

My Blog

A place to meet J Rockers?

So I was browsing the internet today trying to find fanmail adresses and birthdays and I stumble upon this website. It seems interesting. So if you are into J rock (I hope so), or J fashion of any kin...
Posted by J Rock USA on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 06:12:00 PST

when to send in your layouts for the contest.

Ok so I have the rules posted so now all that is left is to set up a date to start sending in your layout pictures that you took a screenshot of. (Remember F11 makes it a full screen shot so that ther...
Posted by J Rock USA on Tue, 26 Jun 2007 01:03:00 PST

Layout contest rules!

Ok so I know that everyone that I have talked to is super excited about this contest. I mean making a layout for the profile is super fun. Although I am able to make my own layout I decided against it...
Posted by J Rock USA on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 05:30:00 PST

Got one kink worked out

Ok. So as most of you blog readers know the new secret contest is to make a layout for the profile. I have one of the kinks worked out by the help of a few of the profile friends so here it is.....tak...
Posted by J Rock USA on Wed, 20 Jun 2007 10:00:00 PST

Secret Revealed!

Alright! I know that people are excited about what it is going to be so here it is.....The next contest is going to be one for a layout! That's right you get to make a layout for the profile. Once aga...
Posted by J Rock USA on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 03:52:00 PST


Ok ok. I know that the design contest isn't over yet but I have to write a little something about the next contest.....BE READY FOR IT!!!! I will post a new blog revealing what this next secret contes...
Posted by J Rock USA on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 08:29:00 PST

Design Contest

Ok guys the design contest is well under way and I haven't gotten one design in at all! What's up people? I know that at one point of time you were all excited about this contest so as a friendly remi...
Posted by J Rock USA on Wed, 30 May 2007 12:17:00 PST

Memorial to Hide

hideDecember 13th, 1964 - May 2nd, 1998 Hide  You will always be remembered by your friends, family, and fans that have loved you and your music.
Posted by J Rock USA on Wed, 02 May 2007 12:22:00 PST

Concerning pictures....

So as you all know (or maybe you don't) I began posting pictures that were taken by you guys and putting them in the profiles picture area. These are all of pictures that were taken by you at Jrock co...
Posted by J Rock USA on Tue, 01 May 2007 12:31:00 PST

Bands that have been in the U.S.

I've been getting a lot of messages and comments lately about bands that have been in the U.S. So here is a list of people that I know have been somewhere in the states at one point of time or another...
Posted by J Rock USA on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 09:37:00 PST