Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
I LOVE ART!!! I've been creating things since I could hold a tool. I can't imagine even for a moment what my life would be like without art.I love the diversity I've found in the San Antonio art scene particularly. I surround myself with fellow artists, musicians and poets knowing that every new moment yields a new and exciting treasure.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowI want to say thank you to these beautiful people, my friends, for allowing me the privilege of being close to them. I am so blessed. Also gotta give props to Rob and his street stunting crew, which is a whole different kind of artistic expression in and of itself. I like to think of what they do as kenetic art. [you can check them out at].Being an art enthusiast and big time fan of local artists, I would definitely say that George Yepes is my favorite by far simply for the cultural purity of his work. Check his stuff out by clicking this painting of his: .. and I guarantee you'll fall in love with his work. One of his pieces was featured in the movie "Once Upon A Time In Mexico", the last in Robert Rodriguez's "Mariachi" trilogy. Plus, George is an all around great guy to know. The most awesome event happens once a month, city wide for SA---First Friday! I can always be found there, either with my work, or just checking out all the up and coming new artists San Antonio has to offer. Check it out at .Also, join my FIRST Friday group at the bottom of my page and tell us all about your favorite FIRST Friday memories, or promote freely whatever it is that you do!
You Are Austin
A little bit country, a little bit rock and roll.
You're totally weird and very proud of it.
Artistic and freaky, you still seem to fit in... in your own strange way.
Famous Austin residents: Lance Armstrong, Sandra Bullock, Andy Roddick
What American City Are You?
POTENTIAL CUSTOMERS:Lookin' for a tattoo designer? I'm your gal! Check out my .. portfolio at .
I also make jewelry by hand with all authentic materials, collectibles and sculpt. It's The Kat's Meow and you can purchase my products at . Please feel free to contact me for any information about The Kat's Meow or to order products at tkm_products here on myspace.
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
JUST FOR FUN...I try not to take myself too seriously!
Your Drag Queen Name Is:
Iva Fetish
Drag Queen Name Generator
You Passed 8th Grade Spanish
Congratulations, you got 6/8 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Spanish?
You Are Strawberry Ice Cream
A bit shy and sensitive, you are sweet to the core.
You often find yourself on the outside looking in.
Insightful and pensive, you really understand how the world works.
You are most compatible with chocolate chip ice cream.
What Flavor Ice Cream Are You?
Sexy & Romantic glitter graphics from
Just got back from touring October '06 in Missouri with Herb'n Pipeline (from Corpus Christi, TX) and it was a blast! Check out their tunes at and show some love!Get Your Own! | View SlideshowMy all time favorite band is definitely Sublime, but I like a little bit of everything. I'm a big-time supporter of local San Antonio musicians (and I guess I'm a little partial since allot of my friends have their own bands). Two bad ass rockin' bands that happen to be my favorite though they're completely different genres of music are Las Cruces and The Dog Men Poets. Las Cruces has been hailed as "a superior doom metal force to be reckoned with" for years and I drew up a little logo for lead singer Mark Zameron a couple years back upon request.The Dog Men Poets are in a class of their own; a little bit of hip hop, rock 'n roll and a whole lotta' fun. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow [] I would reccomend checking out both bands on the net, or if you can, definitely in person. Trust that it's worth the while!
I also like to sing in my free time, whenever an oportunity presents itself. I've sung a few times for Camino Real, just as a fun recreational weekend thing. I love music, and my family is very musically inclined.Every Thursday of the week has been deemed "Cuervo Thursday", which I often attend and can be found singing my heart out with the best company SA has to offer. - Free MySpace Glitter GraphicsGet Your Own! | View SlideshowAs I've been more involved in the music scene, my friends have been finally convincing me to step up to the plate. Under the encouragement of Mr. Layne and alot of awesome people, I've been able to start singing in more public places. The first place I ever sang at here in San Antonio was Rebar on Broadway with Mr. Matt Barker from Scottland (formerly of the Dog Men Poets) and Mr. Greg Layne of the DMP. It was a blast. I plan on doing it much more often. Get Your Own! | View SlideshowCheck out my band, Cuervo Thursday at I've opened for:
*Wood Belly - Dallas, TX []
*Herb'n Pipeline - Corpus Christi, TX []
*The Raspas - South Padre Island, TX []
*The Dog Men Poets - San Antonio, TX
*Skunkweed - San Antonio, TX
Your Movie Buff Quotient: 90%
You are a movie buff of the most obsessive variety. If a movie exists, chances are that you've seen it.
You're an expert on movie facts and trivia. It's hard to stump you with a question about film.
Are You a Movie Buff?Love cult classics and b-flicks. And I'm a STAR WARS and Lord of the Rings GEEK fo' sho'!!! My own indipendent film in-progress has been put on hold due to moving around so much among other compiling issues. The film, "Filthy In Texas", is based on my novel "DYNAMO! The End" (which spawned my latter graphic novel [comic book], "Filthy In Texas"). To date, I have the story board, manuscript, ads and a whole barrage of other componants needed before the filming can begin.
Okay, so I was absolutely hooked on HBO's series "ROME"...I'm a history freak. I got hooked on Larry David's "Curb Your Enthusiasm" and "24" as well. And who doesn't like "CSI" and "Law and Order: SVU"? Either way, I don't even have time to watch TV anymore...WAY too busy; I'm a bit of a work-a-holic!Check out my company, Hello Dirty. From novelty items and jewelry to artwork and accessories...handcrafted and freelance work straight out of San Antonio, baby!
My favorite authors are Poppy Z. Brite, H. P. Lovecraft, Poe, Hunter S. Thompson, Anthony Burgess, Irvine Welsch and William S. Burroughs. And of course, I gotta' be a little cocky and boast that I'm slightly partial to my own slam lit, poetry and recent favorite--my graphic novel "Filthy In Texas". You can check out a lot of my writing at http://LolitaOnTheRox.DeviantArt.Com as well.Plus, several of my good friends know how to fling a pen. Some of the greatest pieces I've ever read haven't even made it to print yet...and some never will. I would like to give props to Mr. Scotty Williams , the late Anthony Barnes, Christoph Chadwick Calloway , Mario, the late "Phoenix" Anarose Marsden, Michael Brouillet of the DMP, Daniel Gibert , Seth Solomon, Millicent Fambrough , Donald Sell III , Isaac Watson , Jonny Pope , Mr. Rod Stryker, and my cousin Lukace Wade Johnson.
My grandparents, Alma Gene and T. A. Rogers, are as much my real heros as they are pure inspiration for me and the catalyst behind so much of my best work. God rest their souls. I am a big superhero fan too, though! I terribly American of me! Wonder Woman has always been my favorite...If you're into checking out some rowdy artwork, stop by deviantART some time or go straight to one of these awesome artists' pages...