Jessica Simpson, cause she turned down a meeting with our dumb ass president, and shes HOTT!
Luv Old Blues and Jazz, some country, dwight yokohm, I was even in a phil vasser video,''good ole days'' but I dont like him!
Schindlers List, Forest Gump, STAR WARS, Duel, 7th samurai, Rocky 1,2,3,4, Soul Food, cherry 2000, Young Guns 2,Civil Action, Varsity Blues, etc.......... I love movies,I'm an Actor!
A-team, Melrose Place, California's Gold, cooking channels, Fox News(YEAH RIGHT) oh and Antique Roadshow!
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The Saint series by Leslie Chartis, Think and grow rich, & Grow rich with peace of mind by Nepoleon Hill, The epic tales of Gilgamesh, E-bay for dummies,The little red hen, Cheaper by the dozen, and, Harry and hortense at hormone high!