I've made Bands, Gigs and Mistakes...
"A man dreams that he is a butterfly. When he wakes up, he does not remember if he is a man who dreamed that he was a butterfly,
or if it is a butterfly which dreams now that it is a man."
This is the "Main Frame"for this new Project.
Personnal Comments:
-- You Again Demo has been made lately as a tiny Tribute
to "The Cure" with a real honesty and strong remorses in my heart.
I cannot explain its meaning at the moment.
I hope one day i'll can...
-- Misty Eyes Demo has been made lately as i saw some sadness in the eyes of someone blind smiling toward the Ocean...
-- Amazing Voices Demo has been made once as i would have a personnal music when flying on my computer. Then after a while
i would just give it a chance to be heard...
My Deepest Wish would be to be able to play with the Band
i Always Loved...
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