Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting
We're always looking to meet healthy nonsmokers to do studies with us. You have to be 18 years old and in good general health. Usually, you can't take any daily prescription medications, other than birth control or hormones (uhhh...for females only). In other words, your medical record should be pretty squeaky clean.
Get your own Flash MP3 Player
We like all kinds of music. Our participants can bring iPods and laptops to listen to music all day if they want to.
Movies, movies, movies, yes. We have big screen TVs, satellite TV, DVD players, etc. You have lots of down time to watch movies. You can also bring your own laptop and DVDs to watch what you want, when you want.
There is lots of time to study during If you're a student, come do a study - it's like you're forcing yourself to have some down time reserved just for studying. Fun huh? We have quiet rooms with computers and internet access. We also have wireless internet for the laptop gurus among you.
Our heroes are our participants. We truly value the contribution you all make to helping brining new drugs to market, which fight disease and make people's lives better.