gunferry profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

***100 Nosey Questions*** by longtallsally28
The Basics
Name: gunferry
Age: 16
Month of birth: may
Any Siblings?: one sister
Parents still married?: yes
Occupation: student
Do you like your job?: no
Any pets?: no.. maybe some cockroaches under my bed
Hair color: brown
Eye color: blue
Shoe size: 45 (i think)
Any Tattoos?: no!!
Any Piercings?: no!!!!
Current mood: sleepy
Current wardobe choice: dunno.. just what i like..
What are you listening to?: music ;)
Who did you last speak with on the phone?: leilaeeeer (who else?!)
What do you currently smell like?: uhm.. ask leila..
Movie you watched: little man (shit!)
Magazine you looked at: Official XBOX Magazine
Thing you ate: noodle
Book you read: still reading "neger neger schornsteinfeger" and "about a boy" and "parce que je t'aime" (all for school)
T.v. show you watched: "Really Big Things" (^^ I think)
Time you cried: uh.. not that long ago, actually..
Took a shower: yesterday ^^
Got a real letter (a.k.a Snail Mail): minimum 6 years..
Ate at a restaurant (not fast food): yesterday. sushi is not fastfood, is it?
CD you bought: looooooooong ago!
What is/was....
The best thing to happen to you today?: talking on the phone for like 45 min
Your most prized possession: guess... ;)
Your first vehicle: some stupid skateboard
Your current vehicle: none..
Your favorite quote: "tengo"
You bedtime (on average): 23 h
Your best trait/characteristic:
Your worst trait/characteristic:
Do You....
Store things under your bed: not anymore, no space
Daydream: no, just wish
Have a computer at home: yeah.. 2 for myself
Live in the city, suburbs or country: city
Live in a home, apartment, duples or mobile home: apartment
Own a cell phone: who doesnt??
Have a good luck charm: always! -.-'
Collect anything: no
Attend high school or college: high school
Make good grades: haha.. i wish!
Have You Ever....
Had a surgery?: no
Had teeth pulled?: no
Broke the law intentionally: yes
Ran away from home?: no
Broke a bone?: no
Cheated on a test/exam: yes
Had a friend pass away: no
Been issued a citation/traffic ticket: no (no driving licence?!)
Been in an auto accident: no
Lied to someone: yes
Been lied to: i thinkso.. but i hope not
Your Favorite....
Place to be: my bed (with leilaaaeeer! ;) )
Place to visit: leilaers bed
Place to chill: bed
Non-Alcoholic drink: pepsi
Alcoholic drink: whisky with coke (/pepsi!)
Type of food: something european (NOT FRENCH!!!)
Meal/Food dish: nothing special..
Dessert: something sweet
Shampoo & Conditioner: wtf?
Toothpaste: darlie.. ^^
Salad dressing: FRENCH! =P
Ice cream: chocolate chips
Fast food establishment: burger king
Color: black or dark blue
Season: winter
Holiday: summer
Perfume/Cologne: none
Video Game: halo 2
T.V. show: none
Smells: cinnamon
Article of clothing: jeans
Book: HARRY POTTER and the Half Blood Prince!! ^^
Children's Book: same!
Candy: just sweet!
Car: none
Do You Believe....
In Karma: no
In God: no
In Heaven & Hell: no
That aliens exist (extraterrestrial variety, not illegal aliens): yes
That ghosts exist: not sure
In horoscopes: no, but read them anyways, when i see em
In others you know (family, friends, co-workers etc): huh?
In yourself: no
Your Opinion....
On the death penalty: stupid
On reciting the Pledge of Allegiance in schools: uhm.. what?
On homosexuals in the military: if they're no danger..
The war in the Middle East: if they want to..
Schwarzeneggar...Governor or Terminator: neither
Current gas/fuel prices: usa too low, rest of the world too high
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

LOVE by bigbootyblack07
Are you single or taken?: taken
if taken by who?: leilaaa
Whats so special about this person?: just the way she is.. hard to explain.. =S
when did you meet?: about 1 1/2 years ago
how long have you been together?: 6 months
when is their birthday?: 12 august
are you falling in love with them?: YES
what color are his/her eyes?: brown
Why did you fall for them?: i like the way she talks to me, and what she says, the way she looks.. stuff like that
do you think it will last?: i really hope so!
whats the most romantic thing they have done for you?: shes more expecting than doing! ^^
do you talk to eachother everyday?: like all the time! ^^
what do you want most for this person?: to be happy and lucky
are they mean or nice?: mean, most of the time, but can be nice too
hot or sexy?: sexy
boring or fun?: fun
do you share secrets?: everything
do you cuddle?: sort of..
have you done THE DEED?: yes
do you get along with their family?: yes
do you go out or stay in?: both
have you been on an ACTUAL date?(hooking up doesnt count.): yes
do you care about them?: a lot
what would you do for them?: nearly anything
finally....why do you want to stay with this person?: because i love her like i've never loved someone before
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Man beachte die Ironie...

Keine Amnestie für MTV

Hmm.. Nora Tschirner

"Ich zeigte euch die Wahrheit, doch die Wahrheit macht euch Angst. Angst vor der eigenen Courage oder einfach arrogant. Auf der Suche nach Geld und dessen Trophaen, fickt ihr euch durchs Leben und fickt die, die euch sehen.
Ich bin nicht euer Opfer, ich bin euer Feind, und ich hasse eure doofnaive Beliebigkeit."
Und da sieht man mal wieder, wie Recht sie haben!


fuck tv, watch n play with: WOLFI!!!! ;)u dont believe it! he eats meat!! go n see for urself!
adopt your own virtual pet!


Stephan Weidner , Bassist einer der besten Bands, die es jemals gab!