The Mormon Engineer profile picture

The Mormon Engineer

Ample Food for Stupid Thought

About Me


My Interests

- A strong positive emotion of regard and affection; "his love for his work"; "children need a lot of love "
- Any object of warm affection or devotion; "the theater was her first love "; "he has a passion for cock fighting", "he has a passion for cock sucking"; - Have a great affection or liking for; "I love French food"; "She loves her boss and works hard for him"
- Beloved: a beloved person; used as terms of endearment a deep feeling of sexual desire and attraction; "their love left them indifferent to their surroundings"; "she was his first love "
- Get pleasure from; "I love cooking", "I love cockring"
- A score of zero in tennis or squash; "it was 40 love "
- Be enamored or in love with; "She loves her husband deeply"
- Roll in the hay: have sexual intercourse with; "This student sleeps with everyone in her dorm"; "Adam knew Eve"; "Were you ever intimate with this man?"
- Sexual love : sexual activities (often including sexual intercourse) between two people; "his lovemaking disgusted her"; "he hadn't had any love in months"; "he has a very complicated love life"

Who is :

1234 2134 3124 4123
1243 2143 3142 4132
1324 2314 3214 4213
1342 2341 3241 4231
1423 2413 3412 4312
1432 2431 3421 4321

1234 2134 3124 4123
1243 2143 3142 4132
1324 2314 3214 4213
1342 2341 3241 4231
1423 2413 3412 4312
1432 2431 3421 4321

1234 2134 3124 4123
1243 2143 3142 4132
1324 2314 3214 4213
1342 2341 3241 4231
1423 2413 3412 4312
1432 2431 3421 4321

What kind of difference can you feel between repetition and serialism?

A hypothesis (from Greek hypotithenai) consists either of a suggested explanation for a phenomenon or of a reasoned proposal suggesting a possible correlation between multiple phenomena. The term derives from the Greek, hypotithenai meaning "to put under" or "to suppose." The scientific method requires that one can test a scientific hypothesis. Scientists generally base such hypotheses on previous observations or on extensions of scientific theories.

Meeting you is an hypothesis?

What does it happen to the thoughts which we do not express, to the feelings that we do not dare to make succeed, to the sexual urges which we repress, to the desires of which we are afraid?
Dry Penis/Instant Sperm

- Does the abortion have to be a remedy to the stupidity?
- Does the mass education have to be a remedy to the stupidity?
- Does the bisexuality have to be a remedy to the stupidity?
- Does the skepticism have to be a remedy to the stupidity?
- Does the slide trombone have to be a remedy to the stupidity?
- Does the medieval litterature have to be a remedy to the stupidity?
- Does the analytics philosophy have to be a remedy to the stupidity?
- Does art in the totalitarian countries have to be a remedy to the stupidity?
- Does the russian poetry have to be a remedy to the stupidity?
- Does the construction of a gigantic robot which would destroy Texas have to be a remedy to the stupidity?

Spatial Poem N°1

Around the time listed below what kind of direction are you mouving or facing toward?
- either performance or spontaneous -
please send me a report about it which will be edited on a world map.

-New York ..... 5:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Amsterdam .. 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Copenhagen . 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Paris ........ 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Japan ........ 7:00 am, May 7, 2007
-Stockholm ... 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-London ....... 10:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Scotland ..... 10:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Vienna ....... 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Nice ......... 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Rome ......... 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Moscow ....... 1:00 am, May 7, 2007
-Berlin ....... 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Los Angeles .. 2:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Montreal ..... 5:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-India ........ 3:30 am, May 7, 2007
-Barcelona .... 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Cologne ...... 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Prague ....... 11:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Chicago ...... 4:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Mexico city .. 4:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Brazil ....... 7:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Iran ......... 1:30 am, May 7, 2007
-Sydney ....... 8:00 am, May 7, 2007
-Hawaii ....... 0:00 pm, May 7, 2007
-Greenland .... 7:00 pm, May 7, 2007

“You don’t need to call it music if the term shocks you” (John Cage)

« Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome »

Support the holliwood female stars, please, send them pairs of underpants, we do not want to see any more their genitals when they go out of car.

The atomic alphabet

A for Atomic
B for Bomb
C for Combat
D for Dumb
E for Energy
F for Fallout
G for Guerrilla
H for Holocaust
I for Ignite
J for Jungle
K for Kill
L for Life
M for Mutant
N for Nuclear
O for Obliterate
P for Panic
Q for Quake
R for Rubble
S for Stike
T for Target
U for Uranium
V for Victory
W for War
X for Ray
Y for Yeller(Yellow)
Z for Zero

Sound propagates through air as a longitudinal wave. The speed of sound is determined by the properties of the air, and not by the frequency or amplitude of the sound.

Your head is a quick forest filled with sleeping birds and the hair of thy head is one warrior innocent of defeat.

What follows is an extract from a text derived from a broadcast of a meteorburst. Amplitude is mapped onto letters. Below a certain threshold = space.

. . . fcj gcd c bbkklil b b ffee k b chn f b d fei hefbb b bbnlhfg bb dfhg i bfi b h d gdf bdd c jbnoofk b eghkbfbb bgg e g b gh b ec b lclfjce bb bffgfg b ehcl g dgk g cbddk hddb b b kjlfh bb fffg i b cgp h cbfei ked c bcookhgb b fghd h dfj i b bd fed bfc bbh jmldg bb eggkdfb b fg f h c ki cc b hchcjci b cgenff c ehdi j b cin b j c edj idcb b cbgmkgj b b cien j cgi i c ech fed b bjokeg fihg e b bcej h c hhb eb b ncfmode b dihkch ck c h bb ii fb b hcibi f b fhphf b b fhff l bbhn d c eef heg bfnffi b difibh cgj j d cfh dec b dbmojgf ghko gb b fi f f c if eb b kcjkmddb c dhfigf b b df b h b bbcim fb bbhdj ecd b biilhl bb cfgf k cfk g b c fci gefb b kmgfg cb dfhg h bgk i d gdg ced b kcnnofk gjhl h dg g j b c gg b e b b jblfjbe bbb cfgjce efbi g b dhl g bbecj hdc b b jjkfj b dede k b b cho j b cbeei jde b bconigg b bhfhd h cgi i b bd gee bfc cbjblnmdj b dfgjdfb b dg e i ki cb bb jcjdjcg b bgdjgh b eick j bcgl b h c fck idd bb bbikjgj b dgfm j b chl g c fdh hed b cnolfgb bb ghig g bcdj j bb ghc eb b kcgkmdg b eghjch b dk c h cbih fb b idibibg b bfhpge b c fgeh l b bbjn f c fdh ife bbgmifh b fiekbi chj i c dehbefd bd kmjff b ehjo e b dj e f dbkf db lchlode b b dgfhch ef c i c cb ik fb bbjdi e d biioij b cfhf k cgl d b c fdg ggf b hmfgg c fhfh hb bfk j bd ddg dec c kclomek fjkl g fh g f b c ig b e b hcmgkbe bb dfgidd b b ff f g b b chn g b bbedibhcd b b jjkhm b defd k chm f d edj hfe b cnlgef b c bdfgd i cej h b c hde bec c jbmnpej b b fhhjbfb bee e h b ii dbb b mdmdhcd bfdjfg b cibm h cgk h c ddl iedb bb b iiifh b b defi j b b cgn h c eeh kfd b coolghbb b efge h bcfi g bc hgc fc b k ilkdg bb egjjde b fh e h cbjh bb b hcibjbh bfhnhg b c dgci i b bbjm b f c fdk icd b cbgmjej b fjfn i bcfi h c fchbgfdb b b knmeg b eghl f b dh e g c ih dc b ldglmde b dhhhcg dh c g c b hk eb cbheg f e hipifb b dfff l cgo d b bc efg gffb b hlhgj c fjfh h b bhi i bd efh dfc b iclokgh b giko g gj g g bb c jf eb b hciimce cb dgiief c df d f b b ckn i bbgdh gcd b jjmfl eege k chj f d eci hge b bbnlfgf b c dghe i cfk i b c gdf cfc b kbmnpfm b gjijbg eg e i c hi b ecb b mcldicd b b beejcd b b ehbk g dhk g c edj ged b b kiifj b b feeg h b cgm h cbdeh ked b conjgfbb bb eege h bcgh i bd hed bgc b i mlncg b eghidfb b cf e j bbkk cc bb hckcgbh bhenhh b c dgck i bbhm b h d fck kcdb b b hmgfi b b cjhm j b bbfl h b c fdg gfd b bknnfg bb eggi f eg c i c ghb fb b odiikdf b dgjhcg ek c g b c jh gb cbhdh h e b b ggphf b fhfg k b bcgo b e b c ffi ifd b bbhlihi b djfjbi b chh i b d eehbdgdb bb dblmkeg b ghip g b b fi g g cblg fb kcgjnce b dfhieh b c dg d h b c bhn h cbgeg fbd ihmhjb b dfgg j bdej f bc fdg fgf b jlhgf c dgff g b bfj i c efg cfcb b lcmnoel b gkkk g fh g f b c kg b e c jckekbf bb cfflce b ffbk g bbim g b b eeh gdd b b ihihm b b ccef j b chm j dbedh jed b b cnngegb c geeg h bgj i b bd ide bfc b lbmmpei bb ejiicf ce e k b ik db b icmcfcf b bgekhf b b dick h b bgj g c fdk idd b b ijgeg dghj i b b cgl f b deg ifd b cnnmgg bb ggff g b eg i bc jgc fc kcijjdg b dgkgcg b fi c g b bbki db c hdj hbg bhhohh c cgdg i b bcin b f b c fdl jfd b bbhki . . .

It means "Bitch" in french

If your personality is :

Neuroticism 54
Extraversion 80
Openness To Experience 86
Agreeableness 0
Conscientiousness 26

You are sociable, outgoing, energetic, and lively. You prefer to be around people much of the time. Stressful and frustrating situations can often be upsetting to you, but you are sometimes able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations. Novelty, variety, and change spice up your life and make you a curious, imaginative, and creative person. People see you as tough, critical, and uncompromising and you have less concern with others' needs than with your own. You like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized.

Psychologists slow down the social revolution.

An oily egg with a red peg leg, thought a porcupine was his daughter, but he soon found out, that she had the gout, and often would wink underwater, ha ha ho ho he he ha ha, a red red rose saw a big pig pose, on the edge of a silver dollar, the end of his tail, was a long-necked nail, and in place of his face was a scholar.

I'd like to meet:

My second X chromosome which disappeared during the process of reproduction for the benefit of my Y chromosome (what means I have no breast or vagina but the sense of direction). I really would like to know what could happen to it.


Smoked tea