DIY Fest III profile picture


A festival of DIY music, art, fun and games!

About Me

Zona Placidia (1:00-1:15)
Gator Country (1:45-2:00)
SHIPS (2:20-2:45)
The Breathing (3:15-3:40)
Elf-Owl (4:10-4:25)
Feed This End (4:55-5:10)
The Drowsies (1:15-1:45)
The Obtruders (2:00-2:20)
Tarantuloco (2:45-3:15)
Wolverines (3:40-4:10)
The Rogue Nations (4:25-4:55)
Crossed Eyes (5:10-5:40)
Madeline (5:45-6:15)
The Max Levine Ensemble (6:15-6:45)
Tooth (7:15-7:45)
Kakistocracy (8:00-8:30)
Mischief Brew (8:35-9:05)
Khann (9:20-10:00)
That's right folks, DIY Fest is back again! The lineup is looking super awesome already and can only get better as more bands confirm. This year we're bringin back all the silkscreening, free food, and DIY goodness from last year, with the addition of a Punk Rock Triathalon! Be sure to keep an eye on this space as we fill out the details and ramp up for another great DIY Fest!

My Interests


Member Since: 4/1/2007
Band Members: Mischief Brew - (Radical folk-punk from PA)
Madeline - (GA folk on Plan-It-X. Sweet songs with an even sweeter voice)
Khann - (FL Progressive Metal on Metal Blade Records - This band is seriously SICK AS FUCK!)
The Max Levine Ensemble - (DC/MD pop punk! BRING YOUR BEACH BALLS!)
Crossed Eyes (NC pop-punk. Members of the Street Sharks!)
Wolverines (DIY Fest II veterans return again for a second helping!)
The Breathing (Greensboro, NC indie folk)
Tarantuloco (Greensboro, NC skramz/grime-core feat. ex-members Chet Stedman)
Tooth (Durham, NC sludge metal)
Kakistocracy (Asheville, NC crust; DIY Fest II veterans!)
The Drowsies - (Durham, NC pop-punk)
The Obtruders - (Raleigh, NC skate-thrash)
The Rogue Nations (Fun punk rock from Charlotte, NC. Members of My So-Called Band!)
SHIPS - (Durham, NC folk/indie that's sure to be NC's new favorite)
Elf-Owl - (Clayton, NC folk/indie that is sweet, soft, and explosive)
Feed This End - (Dogtown, Arkansas folk punk)
Gator Country - (Raleigh's new favorite son!; folk punk from Raleigh!)
Zona Placidia - (Cary, NC folk/indie)
Influences: Thrash Bash (NC), Best Friends Day(VA), The Fest (FL), CLIT Fest (VA/MN/MA), Thrash Fest (MN), Chaos In Tejas (TX), No Way Fest (VA) and all the other fest that have ever gone down that have DIY roots!
Sounds Like: An asston of fun!
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None

My Blog


Hey everyone.  We've been getting a lot of messages from bands trying to get on the set.  If you would like to send this info.  (either to this myspace, or [email protected] ) How much...
Posted by DIY Fest III on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 08:40:00 PST