- "No Pain", an Indie rock band exposing strong emotions through heavy melodies & severe lyrics, showing uneasy feelings towards some things in this world qualified as humanity's diseases! The band started in January 2006 and this is the first No Pain Demo!
Contact & Booking: [email protected]
PAST GIGS:- 11.04.2008 at La Bille // La Sarraz, CH 03.04.2008 at Usine à Gaz // Nyon, CH 08.03.2008 at Golden Lion Pub // Echallens, CH 07.03.2008 at Living Room // Yverdon, CH 19.02.2008 at Usine PTR // Genève. CH 16.02.2008 at Bout du Monde W/ 7Dollar Taxi & Sabotage 79 // Vevey, CH 02.02.2008 at Syncope Underground "Opening of the 1st Maxi CD" // Morges, CH -------------"1st Maxi CD recording" ------------- 30.06.2007 at Fêtes de la Musique // Lussy-sur-Morges, CH 19.05.2007 at Festiv'Ouchy // Lausanne/Ouchy, CH 10.03.2006 at Longirod Rock // Longirod, CH 23.09.2006 at Finnegan's Pub // Gland, CH 09.09.2006 at Aberiaux // Prangins, CH 24.06.2006 at Fêtes de la musique // Lussy-sur-Morges, CH