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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

"War is over if you want it!"

Je vis EN COUPLE donc les hommes cherchant une fille NE SONT PAS LES BIENVENUS.
Je suis la pour partager mes goûts musicaux. Je suis titulaire d'un DEA (Master II) en Histoire et d'un Master Pro en Informatique. Je méne une Thèse sur les Passions de Jean Sébastien Bach et leur portée religieuse, philosophique et sociale.
Je suis une passionnée de musique depuis que j'ai 3 ans ( si, si, je dansais déja dans mon Parc sur Pink Floyd, Supertramp ou les Beatles) et mon père m'a initié au chant dés que j'ai su parler.
Je n'ai jamais eu l'occasion d'enregistrer, mais, de ce que l'on m'a dit, j'ai une voix de contre-ténor, registre vocal réservé aux hommes chez Vivaldi notamment. Je descend donc en dessous de la gamme mais je ne monte pas énormément.
Je viens de créer mon entreprise en traductions et direction de projets artistiques notamment. Je chercher à constituer mon réseau de relations professionelles
I am here to share my musical tastes.
I own a DEA ( Master II) in History and Master Pro in IT. I am currently working on my PHD whose thema is the "Passions" of J.S. Bach and their religious, philosophical and social impact.
I am found of music since the age of 3 (yes, I was already dancing in my baby house on Pink Floyd, Supertramp or the Beatles) and my father had initiated me to sing as soon as I could talk.
I have never had the occasion to record, but, as one has told me, I have a voice "counter-tenor", which is normally bound to men voices especially in Vivaldi operas. I thus go under the gamme but I don't climb very high.
I took singing lessons from the age of 15 till the age of 20 and my teacher and other pupils gave me blues song to sing because of my voice. But I also love to sing Gladys Knight and the pipes, Simon and Garfunkel, Jewel and Joan Baez.
My prefered french singer which fit to my voice is Barbara.
I have just created my own firm and I provide translations in english-german-french and managing of artistic events. I try to develop my professional network
Et maintenant quelques petits extraits de mes interprétations, sans prétention, et sans accompagnement.
And now, a few excerpts from my way of singing, without presumption, and without instruments.
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com.
I made this music player at MyFlashFetish .com. More colors .
Pour ceux et celles qui sont dans les Alpes Maritimes, il y a une Journée Portes Ouvertes à l'espace jardiné de Roquevignon afin de sauvegarder cet espace le 18 Mai de 10h à 19h.

My Interests

Musique, Lecture, Ecriture, Chant, Jardinage, Sport.Music / Reading / Writing / Singing / Sport
et un peu de politique pour lutter contre les injustices...
and a bit of politics in order to fight against all kind of injustices.... .more details on

I'd like to meet:

Des personnes qui aiment écouter de la musique et veulent partager les points de vue sur l'art en général / People who like listening to music and want to share their point of view concerning art in general.
Et maintenant un peu de musique quand même !
And now let's play.....
Pink Floyd : the best performance of Run like hell ! I just love the way they have enhanced musical abilities for the century : I think it was a real musical revolution or earthquake. In this video, we can really see how Roger Waters gives himself in music, it is just fabulous ! And the guitars are completely crazy !

Bruce Springsteen : the boss ! he's one the strongest singer with his songs

And ..... The Who : I think they were the craziest band ever because of Keith Moon and Pete Townshend ! How come they can hold like that ?

Then, I like the songs and also engagement of Sly's family

But my prefered engaged singer in a woman ( what ? I am a feminist ?) Joan Chandos Baez. When she sang that she was pregnant and her hussband was in jail : an icon of courage !

Another great woman singer and also great band. Unfortunately they are less famous than Janis and Jimmy : the Jefferson Airplane.

Talking about women singing : here is the greatest french woman singer : Barbara

And now, a great singer and writer (from belgium but french-singing) : Jacques Brel
And ... I could not forget them : Johnny Clegg and Savuka. I saw them in concert and there was such energy and emotion in each time but one thing was important above all : joy to share !

and now, just for the pleasure of your ears and your souls : Glenn Gould plays Bach. I hope that he has found the great north and that he shall stay with it for the rest of eternity.


Classique / Jazz / Rock / Folk / Pop / Funk / Blues Mes groupes préférés / My prefered bands :
Pink Floyd / The Who / Jefferson Airplane / Joan Baez / Simon and Garfunkel / Supertramp / Sly and the family Stone / The Mamas and the Papas / Cream / The Kinks / U2 / The Beatles / Jewel / Oasis / Radiohead / Cast / The Servant / Kasabian / Memphis Minnie / Led Belly / Bach / Chopin / Rachmaninov / Tchaikowsky / Lizst / Schumann / and so much more.......


Kubrick, Woody Allen, Almodovar etc....


Bof, j'aime pas spécialement. Mis à part les documentaires de France 5, les Guignols de l'info sur Canal + et parfois un bon film ( c'est rare). Sinon les séries : Dr House, Desperate House Wives, E.R. (Urgences), Plus Belle la vie, Ugly Betty.Et en allemagne ..... Und in Deutschland ...... The best bread in the world !!!!!! La météo version métal ..... Weather Forecast in a "metal" way.....


Romans classiques et science fiction. Mes auteurs préférés : Honoré de Balzac, Jean Paul Sartre, Paulo Coehlo, Didier Van Cauwelaert, George Orwell, Arthur C. Clarke, Emily Brontë, Charles Peguy.
Old books and science fiction stories. My prefered authors are Honoré de Balzac, Jean Paul Sartre, Paulo Coehlo, Didier Van Cauwelaert, George Orwell, Arthur C. Clarke, Emily Brontë, Charles Peguy.


C'est difficile à dire/ It's is difficult to say. Peut-être / Maybe : Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther and Luther King, Philipp Melanchton, Joan Baez, Roger Waters, Jean-Sébastien Bach, Angela Davies, Johnny Clegg, Midnight Oil, Gandhi, Au Sang Su Shi, Jean Moulin, etc.....
Grâce à lui nous avons la liberté de pensée.... Thanks to him we have the freedom of thought.... c'est la raison pour laquelle je suis devenue protestante et je lui ai dédié une partie de ma vie It is the reason why I became protestant and I have dedicated him a part of my life

My Blog

Earth Day 22d of April

Earth Day is here: Call for Climate!Earth Day is Tuesday April 22nd, and many Earth Day events are happening this weekend! Not sure yet how you'll be celebrating Earth Day? Find an event near you on t...
Posted by nadège on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:22:00 PST

Société de direction de projet et communication / Company for management and communication

Posted by nadège on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 04:55:00 PST

Journée Portes Ouvertes de Roquevignon // Come to save the garden place in Roquevignon Grasse

Il y a une journée portes ouvertes à Grasse, sur le plateau de Roquevignon route Nicolas Copernic. Cet espace jardiné permets aux grassois d'avoir des parcelles e jardins, aux enfants d'avoir un espac...
Posted by nadège on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 06:47:00 PST