The Bio brought to you by Darwin the Niwrad! As biographies go, I should tell you about where and how I was raised in Hawaii. I should tell you how I manifested my wild side while my parents were busy working their asses off so we can live the "american dream". I should explain the kinds of music I listen to, whether it was on the eighties jam that my friends can't get enough of, or the hip hop/r&b groove that make me wanna dance all night, or the folky music that everyone says they hate, but really they secretly love - you know who you are. It would be wise to mention about the late night gallavanting-in-the-park in a time when my innocence was lost. It's a good story really, but it's been told time and time again and I'm about tired of answering the same old questions. What's most important to this bio is the understanding that at the end of the day, despite my whereabouts and disposition, I always did it my way.
Does a bio have to be only about the past? Couldn't it reflect something more immediate and present? Could a bio be used to tell the future?
Either way you look at it, it doesn't change my appearance. I am who I am and you are who you are and everything else is a perception based on acceptance, deception, smoke, mirrors, and so on. It's everything in between us that seems to justify our accidental identities. Does that make sense?
In summary, a perfect bio would read. Darwin is ___________ (you fill in the blank).
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