AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? profile picture

AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!?

FUckiNG DEsTRoY!!!!!

About Me

:)aLL I WAnT iN LiFE iS To bE haPPy(: iT'S aLL tRUE. tHE boOgiE MAn iz rEaL, AND yOu fOuND HIm!! LEt mE iNTRodUcE MySELf, iM A SociAL DiSeAsE!!! iM a RoCKaH!! IM a rollAH!!! iM a RIGhT-OUt of CoNTrollAH!!! Im A SUicidAL doOmsdAy macHInE! I aM a wAlkiNG, SCrEaMiNG HELL. A ThiNg of TOURtuRe TO beHOld. i haVe wiNEd ANd diNEd WITh kIngS and QUEenS, SLePT iN ALlyS, anD ATe pork aND beAnS. My nAme is INigO moNToyA. yoU kIllED my fatHeR. PRePAIr TO DIe. i -aM -IrON mAN!! I aM ThE CLit coMManDER!! IM HiDing UnDer tHE FlOoR LiKe SADDaM, BuT iM, DoiNG iT BEcause I LovE IT, AnD IM, UNdErGrOuND BABY! REaL uNdeRGrOunD, BaBY!!! I AM thE PuMPKiN KInG!!! Im JUsT A NinJA FRoM thA caRNivAL GRouNDs, wiTH sO mUCH FLavoR THaT I BLow thE TastE uP OUtcHA MouTH! + Im RIC FLAIr, bE-iTCh!!! WOOOoooOOOO!!!! wELCOme to MY MAdDNEsS. AToMiC1 bRiNGZ tHA MuTHA-FuKiN' RucKuS!!!!!!I am 92% Evil Genius.
.. I am pure fuckin' evil. I lie awake at night devising schemes of world domination, and I will not rest until all living souls bend to my will. Take the
Evil Genius Test
@ FualiDotCom
Personality Disorder Test Results
Paranoid |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Schizoid |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Schizotypal |||||||||||||||||||| 90%
Antisocial |||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Borderline |||||||||||||||| 62%
Histrionic |||||||||||||||| 70%
Narcissistic |||||||||||| 42%
Avoidant |||||||||||||||||||| 82%
Dependent || 10%
Obsessive-Compulsive |||||||||||||||| 66% Take Free Personality Disorder Test
personality tests by similarminds.comTake the quiz: "Which Horror Movie Are You?"

House Of 1000 Corpses
You are very wacky and out there. You like doing insane things, you like getting attention, and you most likely enjoy drug-induced hallucinations. Always the loud one, always the popular one, you might actually be wanting the attention to cover scars that won't heal from childhood, and you need a way to mask your emotions. Don't keep up like this for too long.
mY NaME iZ DEricK caRameLLA, anD I aM: AToMiC1!!! I AM an unsTOpable humAN aSs-kIcKiNg macHinE Who cannOT/wIlL not eVEr stoP RoCKING ouT Or DeSTRoyiNG!! tHerE iS nowHErE sAFE! No1 caN ResIST oR witHSTand MY aMaZInG deVISTATIoN!! I MAkE & sLAnG PIZzAS + ShREd guItArS aNd bASs. I ChuG GaLLons OF SoDa AT A tIME, GlOW In tHe dArK + eAt cAnDY liKE iT Was HaLLoWeeN nIGhT. JuGGALOs ruN THE PLaNEt, sO SuCK my FuCKiNG NUTZ!!! =} =} =} Take the quiz:
What Alice Cooper song are you?

From The Inside
You're either in or coming out of an institution... or should be... you feel inadequate and you need to get your life together...
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

My Interests

Take the quiz: "How will you commit suicide?! (PICS!!!)"

You will strap bombs to yourself and blow something up, including innocent people. You wanna kill everyone you can when you die, take as many as possible, preferably the ones you hate the most. Relax, not everyone hates you. Even though you hate them stick around to piss them off more. Don't let the losers win, just stick here for a bit longer.

WakINg UP at 3:00 iN THe AFtErNoOn To wAtCh sCary MOviEs wEarinG nOThiNG 'cEpT mY bOXErS, wHIle eATINg nAchoZ & DRInkINg a 2-lItER SodA Out The BOTtle, tHeN PLaYIng GuItAR all dAY iZ wHAt Im All aboUt. I alsO MiSS my LARRy-HouND MoRe tHan anYthiNg In tHe worLd & haRAsSiNG hiM By pREteNDIng to Eat OUt oF His BOwL. AND sOmeTImES I go TO sChOOL. I alsO Wanna SAy THaT BOOBIEs arE fUn. NoT rEALLy MiNe, BUt giRlyS'z. esPeCiaLLY IF TheY'rE NAKEd. ThaNk yOu.

I'd like to meet:

A CLaN of MiD-nITE STrEeT nINjAZ, wHo WIlL TEst MY MIgHt ANd wARriOR SkILlz + juMP me IN TO theIR SecREt SociTY!! aLL HaiL tHe daRK-LotuS nINjA SQuAD!!! WHohY-YAH!!!


iS neVEr lOUd enouGh wHEn yoU'RE REALLY ROcKiN OuT!!!!! GIvE mE THaT wiCKiD sHiT!!!!!! cRaNK IT Up, fuCkeRz!!!!!! i BaNG mY heAD AnD RAttLE MY brAiN + shakE My WalLz WItH: HeaVY-mEtaL, RoCK-N-RoLL, pSYcHoPATHIC, PuNk, and O.G. JAZZ sHiT!! aWESoME tUnEs =aWEsOme TuNEZ!! neW AnD oLd!!! sEt tHE world on FiRE!!!
What Kind Of Metal Are You?

Thrash Metal
Pioneered by Bay Area titans Metallica, Exodus and Slayer, thrash metal was the most extreme act in the 80s. It was known for singer/guitar combos, huge drum sets, and minute-log guitar solos. It is no longer around, but you are a metal hero for loving thrash.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!


1=WIzARd Of OZ 2=CHARLIE AND THE ChOcaLATe fActoRY 3=ThE TexaS ChaiNsAW MASSacArE 4=tHE SoUThPARK MoVIE 5=BILLy MaDiSoN 6=ThE eViL DEaD 7=tHE EXORcIST 8=FIgHt clUB 9=jAY and SiLeNT BOb Strike BacK 10=HoUsE oF 1000 CorpsEs 11=BEVis aND BUTt-HeAd VIdEoS, BOotlEg CONCeRt foOTAgE+ oLD WrESTLiNG PPV's!!!
You are pretty much the coolest animal, a Liger.

Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?


TV Is mosTLy JusT USeD AS mY MEGAMAN VieWING ScReEN. wHEN i Can tHOuGH, iT's SATURDAY NigHT lIvE, SMaCkDOWn!, LetTeRMAn, coNAN, &/oR TV ShOWs ReCoRDeD oNTo vhS oR DVD. ALso oF CoURsE, (chEaP PlUg) ThErES tUCson's VeRY Own "U.G.B"(uNDEr gRoUnD bROadCastiNg), fORmalLy,"thE jUGGalo SHoW" fEAturinG, aMoNG MaNy tAlenTeD OTHERS, ...MySElf: AToMiC1. =)



MoTley cRuE:tHe dIRT, ALicE CooPEr: GolF moNSTeR, bOTh oF GEnE SImMoNS's BOoKs, MARiLYN mAnsON's bOOk, MiCk FoLeY's booKs, MAsSagE booKS wItH PicTurEs, wHeRe's WaLDO, boTH oF brucE CampELL'S BoOKs, COLoring BOoKs, MAd LibS, THe pHoNE bOOK, mOrTON'S LIsT, tHE gReeN booK, ForEIgN LANGuagE BooKS on tapE/CD, cOOK boOkS wiTh pICtUrES, ...dO CoMIx & GuITAr mAgaziNES cOuNT??


SuCk my SaCK!!! sOOpA VILlaIN!!!

My Blog

thE new HANdbooK Of TexAs

  I FeEl LiKE i'vE WOn ThE lOtTeRy!  iM so fRIckiN' HAPpY & Lucky That It hUrtS.  NOt too lONg AGo i wAs AT tHE maLL and i pUT In an ApPLicatIon tO BE tHEIR "SAntA" FOr tHe nExT COu...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 12:59:00 PST

bat CaVE PizZa soX

  it's been a COUpLE mOntHs siNCe ThE LASt TIME I tOoK tHE SHelVES OuT OF mY OVEn, cLiMBED iNSidE & gavE mySeLF A hOmE-MADE tan.  i wENt To Do It agaiN YeStERDaY, BuT tHeRe wAS alrEaDy S...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 02:25:00 PST

no escapE

  DamN I havEN't BEeN oN HeRe in fOReVer.  It's Good To bE BACk.  =)  LaTeLY I'vE BEen cauGhT uP On trYInG To maKe soME ExtRa $.  i StARteD OFf The OLD FaShioNEd way bY DOINg ...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 01:16:00 PST


  SOmeONe kEEPS sAwiNG off my leGS eVery TuesDaY NiGhT WhEN iM aSLEEp.  i geT ouT OF bEd, or CoUch, Or wHErE EvEr it wAS I Slept ThE NiGht befORe; ThEN faLL stRAIgHt dowN, fAcE FiRst tO ThE ...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 11:17:00 PST


  I sAw a UFO 2 nIgHtS AGo.  I ThOuGHt iT wAS 3 AIrplaNeS FlyInG neXt TO EaChOThER, bUt It wAS wEIRD so i sTood ThEre & WatChED, And ThEy dIDn't MoVe.  iT wAS LAtE as HeLL AT nIGht ...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:53:00 PST

MouTH fuLl oF gLAss---------

we wErE riDInG DOwn tHE fReEway dOiN' lIKe, 80.  IT Was raiNINg lIKe A hURRIcanE wAS oUt tHeRe & We COuLDn't seE foR sHit.  IT WaS alMosT 4:00 In The MornIng, So tHERe ReallY Wasn'T anyB...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Mon, 18 Jun 2007 05:32:00 PST

elECTrIC FuneraL

weLl i GueSS i can changE thE W.T.F. MEANiNG oN HEre TO "WHenEvER The Fuck", 'CauSE mY ass Is sLiPPIn' on doIN' it RegularlY.  kINGspADe TOnIGHT.  uGB HAS BeEN doIN' goOD, AS ALWaYS; & W...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Sat, 26 May 2007 01:31:00 PST

eMPTy oUt YoUr PocKETS!!!

fRonT Right= toNy HaWk uNDErgrOuNd 2 FOR GBA, cAstlevAnIA double paCK FOR gbA, kID icarUs foR GBc, COffIn sHAPed TiN FIlLeD wiTh vITAMiN c & ALTOidS MarkeD "dEatH MinTS", A glOw-In-Th-dArK skelEtO...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Sat, 19 May 2007 01:18:00 PST


It HAS FInallY happENED.  i HAVE ComPLeTLY LosT mY MiNd.  Im PreTty sUrE It wAS A ToOtH-PAsTe COmErCial, defInENtLy a tooTH care prodUcT sALES PitcH Of soMe kInd; THaT OuTragEd me so MuCH, &...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:22:00 PST


My BrotHer kNows a GuY WHo sEllS gUnS.  HIS namE Is MArK & He LIvEs On the eaSt SIDe.  he alSo doEs TattOOs.  1 TiME I WeNt wiTh My BrOTHER To MARk'S HoUse, And he Was tattoOiNg a g...
Posted by AToMiC1: scHiTZopHReNic WHoviLLe-HooLIGan!?!i!!!? on Mon, 16 Apr 2007 02:00:00 PST