☆SiSsY pAnts シ tee he he hee profile picture

☆SiSsY pAnts シ tee he he hee

MissUmuch brother LIONHEART!!!!

About Me

~~~* XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOXOX O ************************************************************ * Hi there, HeRe I aM! So,how are you? Yes, I'm talking to you! Welcome to "my"space" thanks for stopping by,go ahead-BE DARING~> I look forward to meeting new friends-so if you're 0utgoing enough to be friendly&leave a message, we'll chat soon! Yay! =>...Now,a bit about me~ well...~(*.*)I'm here to meet up with friends past and new,and possibly the "man of my dreams" LOL! C'mon-let's be serious- I'm up for the challenge!{Or,at least ready to have more fun and social time with the male species hahahaha just kidding-I mean no offense,}I know somewhere out there "My Guy" is looking for me! I'm a single Mom of one AWESOME son~a self supportive freelance photographer-A true to the roots-All natural Redhead{angel kissed skin to go with;}I love life and enjoy company with the same~I'm always ready and willing for new life experiences!!!~I'm strong spirited,I luv a tasty sense of humor;not easily offended, but also have no fear in telling someone if they do wrong to me or those I care about- I can be a reAL "SPiTFiRE" watch out hahahaha HA! <;-I like the company of ENERGY-Driven Peeps who enjoy getting out and living LIFE,with a strong ZEST for it! I am a definite "People Person",tender hearted--I luv people of all ages,hearing life stories, thoughts and dreams. Free Spirits- People whom hold my interest are well spoken-educated,uPbeat in conversation-and Kids{or those more "young at heart"} A girley-girl but far from "HIGH MAINTENANCE" I'm true to myself and who "I" am! ~With an average physique- I aim to hit the gym twice a week to rejuvenate~I am an outdoors enthusiast~easy to please but love to be spoiled on occasion as well:~>a fresh picked flower means more to me than a dozen from the flower shop[ I do like surprises though-don't get me wrong:)))]~I'm outgoing~especially with the right range of energetic people-two thumbs down to fuddy duddys ->you know who you are<-and couch potatoes!!!!<-bein' lazy on occasion is healthy but let's face it~we only get one life to live!!!! **** Make me laugh****,and YOU're an INSTANT friend!:> As for guys,Someone who is a bit "old fashioned" who will open the car door for me and hold my hand when we're out and about, makes my heart smile the most!!!... I WAS B0RN a REdHead!!!LIStEN UP~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~....Courtesy of the talented "JAcK JoHNSoN"... >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> ..********************************************************** * I have no enemies and am proud of that!******************************************************* **** Capricorn December 21 - January 19 Try not to over-analyze your actions to death, dear Capricorn. If you continue to pick apart every single aspect, you will end up getting nowhere. This principle applies to your emotions as well. Be sure that you aren't trying to make rational sense out of every single feeling that comes your way. Feelings are there for you to feel and experience. Allow them to flow through your heart, and not necessarily your head. ......SEPTEMBER 1ST,2008 ~*RIP*~ my brother,my dear friend~ LIONHEART LEOCapricorn December 21 - January 19 You should use the day ahead to ponder your professional future, dear Capricorn. Many forces seem to be working together to clarify your ideas on the subject. Rather than rebelling at the slightest provocation, as you have been doing lately, it would be much more reasonable for you to think first of your basic material needs and those of your family.***Capricorn December 21 - January 19 You are an excellent friend, and you take pride in helping the people around you. Have you ever thought of getting involved in a humanitarian cause? Or even giving a few hours of your time every week in your local community? Today, dear Capricorn, these kinds of ideas could become a real part of your life. It's time to use all your great ideas to help others. (*v*)~*~*~*~*~**~~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~~**~ This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

***********************************************************M y "Mom and me" time with my son,his "I love yous" hugs and kisses,his inventive mind,smarts and whole persona,his happy energies~hearing him play his bass, making meals together,his laugh,his smile, i love him so - "all to myself and son" Time with my parents, get togethers with family/siblings...Most Anything to do with the Great Outdoors~RC cars~4x4ing,dirt bikes,cruising up the coast,walking the shoreline,Watching the Sun-set the Moon-rise and vice-versa,holding hands,HUGGS,light-up frisbees for nighttime fun, Bike Riding,early morning or evening walks,Photo Excursions with no expectations~Random Fun~ Capturing Moments~White Flowers~Green Grass~Haystacks~Tall Trees~Cheerful-Happy-Fun-Loving-kind-hearted peeps~dancing with skilled partners,random cApITAliZatiONS! CuRled Toes;DCampfires~Unlimited Conversations~Whispering "Pink Elephant" when you don't know the words to the song...or a silent " Olive juice" to say i luv you across a room<~{go ahead,go look in the mirror and try it out-i know you want to!!!;)for lookin good-Good Lookin'~Scavenger Hunts~Reminiscing~Antique shops,Pictures from the Past~Kangaroos~Lynx~Baby Giraffes~ Porsche Speedster=>dream car or an older model Thunderbird~ the sound of music boxes~Shooting Stars,walking thru small historical townes~ Raindrops on my cheeks,holding newborns,hearing children laugh,My Maternal instincts,Yoga,The Elyptical Machine,Sports in person or at a sports bar with friends~*****Live music*****,Spontanuity~People Watching,rAnDoMnEsS,0val plates,I am borderline Vegetarian-I LUV LUV LUV ASPARAGUS!!! ;D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ..

I CHALLENGE YOU... TO TRY JULIANA'S RECIPE WITH YOUR GIRL<3 ~~~> FOUND IN MY BLOG SEPT.24th:>********************************************** ************************************************************ ************ ONE TRUE WISH IS TO SOMEDAY, BE SOMEONE's GIRLFACE> CHECK OUT the music talents of "GET BACK LORETTA" AND LISTEN uP! AWESOME!!!

I'd like to meet:

"TOMORROW"..... The Man in My Dreams-A HOT ROCK MASSAGE~ A MINERAL MUD BATH~The CANCER CURIST~-and possibly~~~~~~~> Y-O-U!(*.*) ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ Come by me, come talk to me baby Tell me how we can combine Will you be my sunshine forever Will you be a friend of mineTry me out and if you get excited Take me home, I'd love to be invited Once we're there, I'm sure you'll be delighted We can rock all nightWait and see, we might fit together That would be my lucky day Come by me, come love with me baby Maybe we could run away~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ *~~Someone 0utgoing,quick witted, who has A SENSE OF HUMOR,Adventure and fUNN.. Spontaneous-Enthusiastic guys and girls to get out and enjoy life with~{families and singles with kids great too;as I want to go out and have fun with my son along occasionally as well:) Someone who carries interests;close to my own,or with whom invites me to engage new experiences with, I want to be enticed!**************************************************** ************************************************************ ******" LOVE The People Who Treat You Right ""If You Get a Chance to Try Something you've always wanted to~ Take It.. and if it changes your Life...Let it!" ************************************************************
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------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------- "SHE WORKS HARD FOR THE MONEY,SO YOU BETTER TREAT HER RIGHT!!!---------------------..# 1 is my son-The LOVE of My Life -hearing and watching him play on his Bass gets me teary eyed- he never seizes to AMAZE me-this Handsome boy of mine~~~> <~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Over Labor Day weekend'07 I was in Vegas and was introduced to The STONEY CURTIS BAND ***They're AWESOME!!!From: STONEY CURTIS Date: Nov 18, 2007 7:19 PM Subject: Stoney Curtis Band # 1 at Guitar 9 Body: The new Guitar 9 charts out this week..STONEY CURTIS BAND "RAW & REAL" is the #1 Blues Guitar record and the #8 Guitar record overall this week!!!Why don't you have a copy yet???Thanks to Peggy Murphy... RadioUgly.com for the great interview with Stoney Curtis tonight!!..YOU ROCK!!!.. this is a poor cell phone taping-but I luv this Stoney Curtis song!!!!;> With Music~Everyday is like a Friday~~~I LUV MUSIC!!! I will sample most Indie Bands so those who view this,and are in my area-INVITE ME;)I enjoy,GET BACK LORETTA!!!! Hellogoodbye,Plain White t's,Peter b'jorn,She Wants Revenge,Tim Armstrong{ I like the newness of "EXCITED" enthusiastic band members}Jack Radio for the 80's, 0ldies, Jazz~Blues, Occasional Country for downtime-I Also fave The Beatles,Frank Sinatra,Patsy Cline,and more...My Favorite of all is Music you can old skool~>"groove" to(actually...I can & will dance to most any;>)-but you know,..the kind you just can't sit still to;or the tunes that make you want to get close to someone:]ooh la la=> my fave of all faves!!!!some things that rang a bell with me-Billy Ray Cyrus- to Letting go~ "Ready Set,don't go" Miley Cyrus- "i miss you" from hannah montana #2 for her grandpatracy bonham-"behind every good woman"


Add to My Profile | More Videos A Movie Clip from the work of a producer friend of mine~great job KYLE!!!***************************************************** ************************************************************ *****I prefer cuddling up with a movie at home-Comedy and Drama flix I like best-Those that make you "THINK" about your own life~ I've enjoyed and would highly recommend- just watched JUNO...Aug 30th 2008- it cracked my heart......"The Banger Sisters"(not what it sounds like you sick0s!)"Becoming Jane", "The Holiday", "Catch and Release" and "Away from Her"~*** I also hold a revived interest in the appreciation of live theater-Musicals and such.


When I do~~~>I enjoy the typical faves-I'm a DramaMama for"Grey's Anatomy","Desperate Housewives","Brothers and Sisters" and "House"


NoT aT tHe MoMeNt.....actually......hmmmm~do c00kb00ks count? hee hee he,I'm into my kitchen talents, I luv trying new recipes, the preparation excites me!!!:)have food skills???=>teach me...uh, wasn't this section about B00ks??? silly me :> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


LIFE GUARDS!!!Paparazzis-tee hee he~ SINGLE PARENTS!!!{to name a few} and personally close to my heart those named here-> My Dad is tops~"Mr. Invincible" I hope my son retains all he possibly can from his time with "PaPa", my Mom~she "MOMS" everyone~a true "Wonder Woman"(guess that's where I got my nurturing side from (*.*) my Son~he is a go-getter and doesn't give up on what he wants; a problem solver even in tougher times!!!! My Spunky full of Life- Grandma who raised 6 daughters basically all by herself- War buddies -Bill "Barney" Baxter and "Mike Pelayo" Avery Special friend chosen brother, blood not important-He is the first Lionheart I've ever been blessed to have met in my life-He will be missed but also remembered and never forgotten- Rest his soul 9-1-2008 Leo- iLoveYouBro!!!

My Blog

the truth about true redheads...more to come later.....

Only an estimated 4 percent of the population is born with red hair (only 2% in the U.S.), due to the recessive nature of the gene that produces it. That gene, the melanocortin 1 receptor, was discove...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 01:54:00 PST

Man Rules..I’mnot so sure about these ones BAH HA HAHA HA HA;>

Man Rules­­­­­­­­­­­ ­­­­­­­­ At last a guy has taken the time to write this all down         Finally...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 10:41:00 PST

So i told jess i have lots to do,I DO!!!!!!!but here i am!

it's the ones who take time to write back,and the ones who let you know how they feel that mean the most- the true friends and family who REALLLLLY care about you and your life- I thought on several o...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Thu, 09 Oct 2008 02:03:00 PST

Good friends are like stArs..you don’t always see them but you know they are there...

A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... enough money within her control to move out and rent a place of ýher own, even if she never wants to or needs to... A WOMAN SHOULD HAVE ... something perfect to wear if the emp...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 12:16:00 PST

i shouldve went to military camp...

because i don't feel as strong as i'd like to be- things are not really going my way;the way i need them to and i am feeling  a bit lost, i camoflauge it well-but, i need a miracle or two,b...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 11:20:00 PST

Ive learned that...........

-Noone was put here to be in charge of making me happy. Thats my job! ;D -It's funny how everytime I call someone that I haven't spoken to in a long time, they say, "I was just going to call you." and...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 09:27:00 PST

This may make you th!nk about some things in liFe...

From: ANT!Date: Sep 11, 2008 10:00 PM Take 5 minutes to read this it will really have u thinkingYou're sad because you're plan's got canceled with you're friends.He knows he may not see some of his bu...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 10:49:00 PST

Blood MAy be thicker than water YES true, but......

It doesn't stop the fact that Leo was family in our hearts and vice versa we were his, We have been there at his ceremony and to say the final words and lay him to rest yesterday...but it's true, the ...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 06:27:00 PST

A Brother by Choice is.......

..TR>..TR>..TR>..TR>..TR>..TR>..TR> ..TR> GREAT ADVICE FW: Something we should all remember...... From: upshunter Sent: Thu 6/12/08 6:06 PM To: lil' SIS (redhawk..TABLE> .. content="Microsoft S...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Tue, 02 Sep 2008 12:12:00 PST

WATCH YOUR EYES.............

xxxxxxxxInteresting to see this, our new neighbor across the way had cancer in his eye at the age of 2 and is now 6. Check out his website kylelogrosso. org.Lucyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx  I ADDED THI...
Posted by SiSsY pAnts · tee he he hee on Fri, 29 Aug 2008 01:00:00 PST