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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

In a nutshell, "I'm some random chick from New Mexico"
...That pretty much sums it up...but other than that:
I spend most of my time trying to "make the world less sucky"--emphasis on "trying"--mostly through civic involvement (i.e. voting and hassling politicians/elected officials about stuff--etc., etc.).
And I try not to be a total jackass...but "I am human," and as such, can be prone to doing some pretty stupid stuff every now and then (don't we all?).
But I'm trying to be more conscious of my actions/how they affect others (and that probably makes me sound like I was a really self-centered asshole or something...which I'm not/wasn't...I'm just saying that the world can be pretty shitty sometimes, without us adding to the shitty-ness, by being shitty towards each other...and "sorry" if I've pissed you off lately--but if you really know me, you'd know that I've been torturing myself about whatever it is--'cause I'm just weird like "Give me a break, damn it!".....
Nah, if you're really pissed at me, you don't have to.....I'll just go curl up in the corner and cry now).........
God, I'm so weird...
Ah, screw it...normality can be over-rated...
What else...
Oh yeah, I'm a total work-aholic, and I tend to neglect my friends in the real world, so chances are, if you become my virtual friend, I will most likely neglect you as well...not because I'm an asshole, but rather because I'm a weirdo who needs to better balance certain (if not all) aspects of my life...
I'm also trying this new thing where I randomly state my various (usually obvious) character flaws. :)
By the way, Sarcasim is my best friend.....and Irony is a total bitch--but also incredibly funny...
Ok, I'll finish "making myself seem crazy" later...(probably in my blogs)...and I'll end this section with some random things i find entertaining:
You Are 12% Republican
If you have anything in common with the Republican party, it's by sheer chance.
You're a staunch liberal, and nothing is going to change that! How Republican Are You?
Wow, I got 12% for being a fan of NASCAR? Could Blog Things be more stereotypical? :)
You Are 60% Democrat
You aren't a full fledged Democrat yet, but it's likely the party that fits you best.
You probably consider yourself an independent Democrat. You usually support the party, but you also think for yourself! How Democrat Are You?
Well, if an unscientific blog things quiz things so, it must be true... ;)
Ah yes, here are some of my favorite videos...

My Interests

All kinds of crap.

I'm a major geek, so I love all things involving science ("radical concepts" are fun to analyze...the more improbable the better); Painting/drawing/creating stuff is fun...(I like to do artsy things every now and's also much cheaper than therapy--and I don't trust anyone enough to be telling them all my business...); Hiking around in the mountains rocks! (no pun intended); Adrenaline is the only drug I really need--driving fast makes me feel alive; and I'm addicted to action-packed video games (racing/driving, fighting/combat--none of which I do in my real life....anymore.....).

And I find my life to be quite interesting as well--life in general, actually. So basically, everything :)

I'd like to meet:

I don't really care. Anyone. No one. Same difference.

*HAHA* That makes me sound all cynical or apathetic. Whatever. It's all good. But I'd prefer not to deal with anyone who goes out of their way to tell me that I'm "weird" (as we've already established that fact, thank you), or that my "taste in music sucks" (cause "...that's just like, your") -- I likes what I likes, and you can get bent if you got a problem with that *shakes fist at screen*

Nah, but seriously though, if you think I'm lame/weird/etc./_________(fill in the blank), stop looking at my page....seriously bro/chick :)


I'm in pretty much "in love" with music…

Ah yes, I must reminisce…*stares off into space*…

Sublime’s “What I Got”: Will forever remind me of the time I was in West Hollywood with a bunch of friends--at a karaoke bar (being upstaged by all the wait staff)--and this random guy who tried to be suave and sing “Besseme Mucho”--ended up singing all the interludes (“solo for thirty seconds”), and made himself look really silly. It was awesome :)

Devo’s “Whip It”: Chicago. Another karaoke club. Drunk (ex) boss dancing with random equally trashed chicks--proclaiming that he “loves this song” (when Devo came on), and proceeded to loudly sing along. Completely off key. Not knowing the words. I had a “pink cadillac” (or two), and ended up making a “mini-bon-fire” in one of the candle holders (which said ex-boss then proceeded to burn his hand on, while trying to light a cigarette, after which he got mad and called me a “damn pyro…pyyyyro…ppyIIII-ro-MAY-ni-AAC”). I laughed so hard I cried :)

Nirvana’s “Lithium”: Damn Julie!! My friend who used to d.j. at this (sketchy) bowling alley, that (in an attempt to be “trendy”) tried to have a “karaoke happy hour,” kept trying to get me to do a song; I finally said “ok” and tried to find one that was short; then I mentioned that it would be funny for me (coming straight from a really dressy work occasion) to do “Smells Like Teen Spirit” (especially since no one knows what the hell he’s really saying); she was like “cool” but ended up putting in “Lithium” instead. Longest karaoke song ever.

80s hair band songs, especially “Welcome to the Jungle” and “Cum On Feel The Noise": Remind me of my brother Eric's crazy, spontaneous, so-over-the-top-deliberately-mocking-impersonations-that-mak e-you-question-whether-or-not-he’s-actually-kidding….

Amongst other things :)


Anything funny, or fun to make fun of. I often find movies that aren't actually meant to be funny, funny. It's weird. And funny. Laughter is my new anti-drug.

I also pretty much like anything based on a comic book, or at least will give any movie based on a comic book a shot, even if it's projected to suck/the follow up to a sucky movie (hence me most likely going to see that new Fantastic 4 movie...and knowing that there's going to be a new Hulk movie in the near future...). *sighs* Yeah, I'm a major dork...

Aside from that I tend to go for Martial-arts, action, sci-fi, thriller, pointless, thought-provoking, random, strange stuff.

I do the whole chick flick thing every now and then as well (I am a chick afterall...duh)



I really like watching GOVTV (local government) and that wrong? Damn, I'm such a dork.........But seriously!!! It's funny!!!!

Well, maybe not to the average person (aka "normal people"), but to me, heckling elected officials that annoy me (or piss me off) is probably one of my favorite pastimes.....(as sad as that is......) and since that restraining order...uh, I mean since I can't do it in person anymore *nervous laughter* I have to settle for "non-interactive" heckling....


I like to read "propaganda" type books (...but won't be listing any....thank the patriot act for that one...); and some may argue that comic books aren't technically books, but whatever--love the comics :-)


REAL PEOPLE WHO GIVE A SH*T AND KICK A$$!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ....Oh, and Spiderman, Wonderwoman, Batman, Superman, Turok, and most of the name a few....... :)

My Blog

Finally got that damn tattoo...

So I got the new tat last night--after a month of sitting around and talking about it... :) It was quite "an experience." And my wrist totally hurts (...I'm suddenly realizing just how much shit I "ta...
Posted by Charlotte on Thu, 04 Oct 2007 08:35:00 PST

Tattoo Cravings

I've been fighting the urge all day to go randomly get a new tattoo. Totally impulsive. And most likely one of those instances where I'd be like "SHIT! Why the hell did I do that!?"--in a few day...
Posted by Charlotte on Fri, 17 Aug 2007 09:46:00 PST

Why are people such fuckers?

Seriously!! I almost feel sorry for anyone who's stupid enough to "kick me while I'm down" right now... ALMOST. ...But not quite... :) *sighs* The world isn't over (even though it feels pretty wack)....
Posted by Charlotte on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 08:19:00 PST

Never fails...

Have you ever had one of those days where you keep coming up with jokes in response to random things that happen, but if you were to articulate said jokes as much as you'd like, nobody would ever take...
Posted by Charlotte on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 09:32:00 PST

I need to quite getting so carried away with my work...

Case in point, me being here til 1:30 this morning, and as a result of which, I'm now really tired and slowly loosing my precious motor skills....*drool rolls down my chin*... Ok, so that last pa...
Posted by Charlotte on Tue, 13 Feb 2007 02:14:00 PST

Horoscopes are so random...

So my horoscope for today was particularly funny...   And I really had to laugh about it, because of this other random thing that happened the other day... Ok, so first, this is how it read: Ari...
Posted by Charlotte on Tue, 06 Feb 2007 06:30:00 PST

2007--what a wacky little year it's been so far...

So this year looks like it's going to be an interesting one... Already, I've had some pretty unusual experiences--well, unusual to me when I ended up shoveling obscene amounts of s...
Posted by Charlotte on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 04:19:00 PST

I f***ing hate DIA...

Which is this really shitty system my organization uses for communications (i.e. emails, database, etc.). Democracy In Action--HA! Only if one defines "Democracy" in the most non-sensical, a...
Posted by Charlotte on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 09:12:00 PST

So far, my day's been kicking my ass...

So I'm at my office right now, and I don't have my cell phone (I think I left it on my bed this morning, since I woke up late to begin with, and in my rush to leave, I forgot it....damn, now I wonder ...
Posted by Charlotte on Sun, 14 May 2006 12:11:00 PST

One of my little sisters is graduating...(I can't believe she's almost an adult)

So one of my sisters is graduating from highschool next week, which is totally awesome.   My mom called me earlier today to talk about throwing her (my sis) a dinner, or party of some kind, as we...
Posted by Charlotte on Fri, 12 May 2006 09:59:00 PST