erin profile picture


Darlin' my name is a four letter word!

About Me

~Devil may care~ Outspoken, Opinionated, Argumentative, Sybarite, Distant, Introspective, Pertinacious and always Thinking about everything and anything. Oh yeah and not to be forgotten the horses...I'd spend almost every day with them if I could.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

vintage/muscle cars, my car, tattoos, piercings, reading, books, funeral/death antiques, dancing, antique medical instruments, horses,jumping,thoroughbreds


AFI, TKK, Chemlab, American Nightmare, HIM , Numb, SEV, Pulp, Deadsy, Face to Face, Needle Sharing, Blur, Prick, PJ Harvey,Skold, Curve, Bad Religion,CKY, Cinema Strange, And One, Assemblage 23, Biotek, DeVision, Kill Hannah, The Damned, Jeff Buckley, Nick Cave, chris randall


Crash, Memento,The City of Lost Children, Requiem for a Dream, Amelie, Trainspotting, Fight Club, Showgirls, Boondock Saints, Mulholland Drive, Doom Generation, Spun, Pi, Eraserhead, Brazil, Cruel Intentions, Blade Runner, Suspiria, Hellraiser


I read a lot.


go film....

My Blog

If you really want to know everything that goes on in my life

read my livejournal
Posted by erin on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 04:33:00 PST

How four letters supposedly tell you all about me......
Posted by erin on Mon, 21 Nov 2005 05:33:00 PST