Walking the plank, police dogs, farming, plucking turkeys, playing with fire, spreading fungus spores, slimes and snails, puppy put tails.Music, Acting, Autumn, Underwater life. I prefer sweet drinks and every food dish my mom does.
Jesus Christ,Beelsebup God allmighty, Satyricon, Arcturus, Friday, Kalahari Desert, Play-doh, Ice-cream, and a bucket of brimstone, rusty nails and an angry midget.
Satyricon,Arcturus, Dödheimsgard, Moonspell, Stephen lynchThe Killers,Metal,Pop,Rock, My friends, example: Jann Wilde,Heijaste,T.A.P,Rock Royale,Essentia,Loa etc.
The Terminal, Vanilla Sky, The Nightmare before christmas, Dark City, Transformers, Fantasy,Sci-fi ,and lots of other geeky creepy stuff.
C.S.I, Viva la Bam, Jackass, Amazing Race, Ninja Warrior, Shipwrecks, Dirty Sanchez
Fantasy, Juoppohullun päiväkirja, Occultism, Etc.
I think that tv-show sucks.