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About Me

What about me? :) I play bass and do theatre. Go check out my bandsite or here in myspace Rock out!

My Interests

Walking the plank, police dogs, farming, plucking turkeys, playing with fire, spreading fungus spores, slimes and snails, puppy put tails.Music, Acting, Autumn, Underwater life. I prefer sweet drinks and every food dish my mom does.

I'd like to meet:

Jesus Christ,Beelsebup God allmighty, Satyricon, Arcturus, Friday, Kalahari Desert, Play-doh, Ice-cream, and a bucket of brimstone, rusty nails and an angry midget.


Satyricon,Arcturus, Dödheimsgard, Moonspell, Stephen lynchThe Killers,Metal,Pop,Rock, My friends, example: Jann Wilde,Heijaste,T.A.P,Rock Royale,Essentia,Loa etc.


The Terminal, Vanilla Sky, The Nightmare before christmas, Dark City, Transformers, Fantasy,Sci-fi ,and lots of other geeky creepy stuff.


C.S.I, Viva la Bam, Jackass, Amazing Race, Ninja Warrior, Shipwrecks, Dirty Sanchez


Fantasy, Juoppohullun päiväkirja, Occultism, Etc.


I think that tv-show sucks.

My Blog

TREvolution 2008.

Renoise, T.A.P, and Essentia on tour.19.4. Germany-Frankfurt, Elfer Club 20.4. Germany-Berlin, Wild at Heart 21.4. Germany-München Feierwerk / Orangehouse 22.4. Czech - Praha, Batalion: 23.4. Germany ...
Posted by Chris on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 01:48:00 PST