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Metal. Oh, yeah, Movies, Pro theatre, Comics, Medeival history, literature, a touch of politics, ( I said a touch!), Art, and metal. Did I mention metal?
What Colored Lightsaber Would You Have?
You were destined to have a Red Lightsaber.Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, and determination as well as passion and desire. You have seen the Strength and Power of the Dark Side of the Force and have you thirst for more of it.
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What Color Is Your Aura?
Your aura shines Orange!
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People who would be into what I do. Metal people, comics folks or people willing to commission my art, directors in the DC area ( Baltimore, DC, Richmond ),or just
Slacker Kid
High school was a place you showed up occasionally, but you didn't really leave a mark.
You hated rules, authority, and structure. In fact, you still do.
Who Were You In High School? people who dig what I'm into, or what I do.
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Didn't I just say metal?
some ( I said some, dammit!) rap, but mostly bands like
Dimmu Borgir,
Lamb of God,
The Black Dahlia Murder,
Cannibal Corpse,
Cradle of Filth,
Shadow's Fall,
,etc, etc.
Didn't I just
say metal?
No, really,
getting a
Oh, boy, that's a big one for me. Here's a few- Batman Begins, Immortal Beloved, Last of the Mohicans, Ghostbusters, all Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Punch-Drunk Love, Kill Bill I, Pulp Fiction, Batman Returns, King Arthur, Fuckin' Fight Club, the Bourne movies,
You Are Wolverine
Small but fierce, you're a great fighter.
Watch out! You are often you're own greatest enemy.
Powers: Adamantium claws, keen senses, the ability to heal quickly
Which of the X-Men Are You?
Dangerous Liasions, Kingdom of Heaven, Hitchiker's GTTG, Superman, Lawrence of Arabia, the Hustler, Julius Caesar ( Brando ), Henry V (Branagh), Snatch, Pulp Fiction, Good Night & Good Luck, Crash, Sin City, Lorca, Spidey 2, V For Vendetta, the Adventures of Robin Hood (Flynn), Interview With the Vampire, Spartacus, Gladiator, this can go on forever, dude. I watch movies constantly, and all a wide variety. Especially epics. Love that shit... width="425" height="350" ..
Futurama, History Channel, the Simpsons, occasionally Justice League. Not too much, not enough time. Lately entirely too much, however.
You Are Mr. Burns
Okay, so you're evil...
You have big plans to rule the world, and you'll destroy it in the process if necessary!
You will be remembered for: the exploitation of the masses
Life philosophy: "One dollar for eternal happiness? I'd be happier with the dollar."
The Simpsons Personality Test
I highly recommend "Autumn Bridge", a beautiful Samurai story. Lawhead's Arthurian Cycle, "King Arthur-the Real Story",l by Graham Phillips and Martin Keatman, the five books of the "Hitchhiker Trilogy" ( that is a joke ), Tolkien, just about anything by Robert E Howard. Anything-just read. Please, people, READ! And go see more live theatre! AND GO TO MORE METAL SHOWS!
NO one is deified. I will respect you if you give respect.