well helloooooo, im chups aka chupster aka ketchup0000001, teh very very 1st ketchup bottle, currently in amman-jordan, originally from palestina, jenin-haifa...
shy but very witty. thoughtful, deep, chilled out too to the max, "electronic" musician, crap with the new type of cool modern women. speechless, calm and cold, internet addict, i love BIG old trees, i love nature, exploring it, finding soundways and landscapes, landways and soundscapes, underwater sounds and glitches...
I work for blue fig [www.bluefig.com] as music and entertainment coordinator "organize local and international music events + background music @ teh restaurant", done with university, majoring software engineering.
feed me good music, i always need some music to listen to while listening to music, i like [deep-tech-elektro-minimal-klick-abstract-experimental-folk- ambient-glitch-noize] + TREES.... for moree! checkz www.ramallahunderground.com, think thats all u need to know, teh rest is just crap, stay warm and happy!