International Society of Old Dirty Bastards profile picture

International Society of Old Dirty Bastards

Derby Widowers, Unite!

About Me

The History of the International Society of Old Dirty Bastrds©.
The idea for the International Society of Old Dirty Bastards(I.S.O.D.B.©)bore fruit one night in the Summer of 2006. The society was founded shortly after the formation of the Green Country Roller Girls©, a female flat track roller derby league in and around the city of Tulsa, OK. The need for an organization such as this was realized after the husbands, boyfriends, ect. of the GCRG asked themselves several questions:
1. They wouldn't spend too much time on Roller Derby, would they?
2. Surely they won't put US to work, right?
3. We'll still be the greatest thing in their lives, right?
4. Yes they're hot, yes they're on skates, yes they hit, but would they make out with each other?
5. Would they do it Topless?
These questions and many more were pondered over several cases of beer, Xbox, and plates of steak. Sadly, each question was returned to the men with answers in the negative. From the ashes of this great loss sprung the ISODB© a benevolent fraternal organization for those men, and women, who have lost their loves to the cruel mistress that is All-Female, Flat-Track Roller Derby. The ISODB© will forever support our women, we just miss them.

My Interests

Hot Ladies on Skates, Beer, Meat, Xbox, and Bi-girls.

The I.S.O.D.B. is committed to expanding our understanding of the universe. We are Renaissance men, really.

I'd like to meet:

Membership in the ISODB© is open to everyone whose life has been forever changed by Roller Derby. You may be asking yourself right now, "Is the ISODB© for someone like me?" The answer is simple. We here at the ISODB© understand what you are going through. It's a tough road, but with guidance and support from your fellow ODB's, you CAN live a normal life once again. There is strength in numbers. Together, we can make a difference both in our lives, and in the lives of the rollergirls. No longer can they push us to the side, no longer will they make us carry their stinky pads, no longer will we be making midnight trips across town to pick up fundraising materials. The ISODB© is here to stay, ladies! We will prevail. So we say to those gentlemen who want to join our ranks, "Welcome, brother."

The first 300 gentlemen who join the ISODB© on myspace will be entered into our "Hall of Heroes" in our pics section. Please give us time to update, however, as we simply must leave time for drinking and womanizing. Thank you.

There are no membership dues, per se, however, what we require from our male members is a strong belief in what the ISODB© holds most dear, namely, Alcohol, Grilled Meats, Video Games, and Hot Chicks. From our female members, we would prefer a photo, drawing, or other visual depiction of yourself without a blouse. These are to be used solely for the private enjoyment of the ISODB© and as such will not be used publicly or as a source of ridicule, as that would just be bad form.

The ISODB© also requires absolute obedience to our Spiritual Father, Brother Conway Twitty, hereafter known as: "the Twitty." Brother Twitty was chosen as the face of the ISODB© because he was the epitome of awesomeness. Never before was one so smooth in the dark arts of classic country love making than the Twitty. His gold necklace, soft luxurious fro, and lusty voice will forever be in our hearts.


The Smooth sounds of Love.


Anything with Blood, Boobs, and Weapons. Oh, and Romantic Comedies.


The ISODB© strives to watch Heroes each Monday night.


Mister Conway Twitty, our Spiritual Leader. Men who survive living with Roller Derby.