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Lily's Stories

About Me

Talented lady ;) music maniac, found of concert, love travelling, baking wonderful cakes, writing about averything and anything all the time, working as translator sometimes, free lance, in any case hates offices, going to move abroad soon (in a city close to sea), can't stand arrogance anymore, grown up in the south of France, lived in London many years, never in love think it is useless, called atypic most of the time, got stickers on my window, sharing my flat with a cat, living in love street, having a brand new white bag, wearing long hair and jeans, smiling and being happy, enjoying the sun.

My Interests

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Premières amours : Michaël Jackson, James Brown et Prince Dernières amours : Arcade Fire, Medi and the medecine Show, Smooth Histoires d'un soir : Diving with Andy, Bumcello, Ambersunflower Coup de foudres : Cuartero Cedron, Gary Thomas, Noël Atchoké, Jane's addiction Happy together : B52's Résidents : The doors, Led Zeppelin, Nico, LoveEntre temps des milliers de rencontres ...Sans oublier celui qui m'a mis des baguettes dans les mains : Phil Collins


"Der Himmel über Berlin" by Wim Wenders


"Artwear: Fashion And Anti-fashion","Lester Bangs, megatonnic Rock Critics", "The Dark Stuff", "Lipstick Traces", "San Francisco 1965-1970", "Les Chroniques du marais qui pue".


"Ainsi donc, en Amérique, quand le soleil descend et que je suis assis près du fleuve sur le vieux quai démoli, contemplant au loin, très loin, le ciel au dessus du New-Jersey, et que je sens tout ce pays brut rouler en bloc son étonnante panse géante jusqu'à la côte Ouest et toute cette route qui y va, tous ces gens qui rêvent dans son immensité (...)alors je pense à Dean Moriarty."