Dari Semarang kota Atas, jawa Tengah. INDONESIA terbentuk pada februari 2006. Ardilla adalah nama dari seorang lady-rocker era sekitar 90-an tetapi dia tewas dalam sebuah kecelakaan mobil.Hailing from UPTOWN of SEMARANG CITY,CENTRAL JAVA,INDONESIA.formed in middle of february 2006.Ardilla was a name of superstar lady rocker around 90's but then she'd killed on car crash(the car had hit the wall or something).yeah everyone here used to love her much.she was so beautiful and charming.but...she'd died around 1996-97.too young cause she was only 23 or 24.
this band influenced DYINGFETUS,NECROPHAGIST,SUFFOCATION.but we're still trying to find ourown sound.we're using:ARIPH A.K.A MAXIMO (UNWANTED SOLITUDE):Samick Korea.MetalZone.GHS Boomers ZakkWylde signature series 011-70 string.BUGS:CORT EVL SERIES K4.GHS Boomers ZakkWylde signature series 010-60 string.MUFTY A.K.A ORPHY:Custom Bass Guitar.those shits are dropped tuning 'b'to get hit bottom and thick sound.
FAJAR:Lazer DP.FAJAR is also the drummer of PerfectMaggots Kendal, NocturnalHeresy Semarang, ATAXIA Cepiringbut this present day, we forced to make a deal with an additional drummer, because FAJAR is too busy with Nocturnal Heresy recording process.thank you for the SUPPORTS!!!LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!!MANAGEMENT :
(+62) 085641230245TheArdillaDressedCoffin-CrushedLung
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