a technical inventor, which comes up with practical ways to produce the BEST in Worldly products and presently have a hydrogen wheelchair that is currently being requested for around the world. It has no limitations; the engine is the size of a laptop based below the chair. The wheels have been replaced; as well as a GPS system assists the Dependant. With manual, drive, reverse, and neutral; this machine could beat any challenger that hits it.
We have created a service all on its own and within out first month of business we were able to go Global. The Different companies assist us to profit from outsourcing and marketing products & items on behalf of our clients plus Associates that we Market. Presently we are marketing to all Major Affiliates, having signed over 70+ contracts of various services.Thanks,
President of WMF Canada
more info on usand all of our new friends and clients, we are setting up a lot of events for Artists. We hope we can do an EVENT/ TOUR for your Band.
CASH for the Holiday's
Lil Jon
Trailer for La Famila Trailers brought to you by: You can watch it on! Emilio Juan Shamsul Eddie Rivera WMFCanada.com
Come on CALL! We will Prove to you that our Firm Works for even YOU! I'll tell you how I already saved you Money! Its not how much you spend, its the Quality of Product you Receive.