art, dancing,cooking,nature,adventure, music,tropical islands, beach, computers, belly dancing,psychology,dreams,guitar,gardening, traveling,surfers,smart people,massages
80's music, rock,dance,Madonna, No Doubt, Aerosmith, Bon Jovi,The Cure, Techno, Trance, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Nirvana, Evanescense, Linkin Park, Jack Johnson, Celine Dione,Gorillaz,Jewel, Alanis Morisette,kenny g, wilson phillips,Hip Hop
departed,Duplex, WITHOUT A PADDLE,But i'm a cheerleader, Eternal sunshine in the spotless mind, Underworld,The BEACH, blue crush,blue lagoon, the new swiss family robinson, cast away, Endless Summer, the Pest, God Must Be Crazy..........i pretty much like all movies that take place in a tropical island or forest and have nice scenery. i also like adventure movies and movies that make you think.
LOST, THE OFFICE, MacGyver, Discovery, cooking and craft channels,CSI, beavis and butthead, south park, futurama,comedy central,Xena
Tuesdays With Morrie, Love Story, design,art, computer, self improvement, inspirational books...and books with lots of pictures
MADONNA, MacGyver, Jim Warren, Bob Ross, Leonardo Da Vinci