Spending three random months in random places searching for love, following illusions, staring at the clouds, thinking about Voltaire ... and loving Jesus.
Myself, if I am lucky enough to catch up with me.
Jeff Buckley, Arctic Monkeys, Jake Labotz, Johnny Winter, The Pogues, anything hard core punk with a sex beat, STP, Frank Zappa, Morphine, Dust Brothers, The Pixies, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, Johnny Cash, Tom Waits, The Streets, Mickey Avalon, Gabe Mintz, Morrisey, The Dandy Worhals, The Killers, Velvet Underground, Emitt Ray...
Time Bandits, Smoky and the Bandit, any Bandit flicks for that matter, multiple demensions of porn, Beer(oops, thats not a movie, but I love it so much) , Welcome to Collinwood, Matrix, Ciao Manhatten, anything Lynch, Romance, Blue in the Face, Any 80's horror movie shown on the Spanish Channels... or any spanish movie shown in horror...
Hogan's Hereos, Felix the Cat, Mr. Magoo
The Prisoner of Sex, Anything Carver or Bukowski, The Fountainhead, The Edgar Cayce Companion
Grigory Rasputin, Pablo Picasso, Alan Watts, Alister Crowley